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  1. DubbsBegins

    feral vs combat in dps

    its actually pretty tough to beat a combat rogue as a feral if the rogue knows how to play... (meaning not hitting the druid that has thorns up)
  2. DubbsBegins

    The Hype of Aerie Peak

    how is that a server's problem? its the people, the internet. AP itself is not a problem. AP is a server you know? AP is same as any other server because its a server, nothing more noting less. Go anywhere and youll see that problem. did you read my post? i said if AP wasnt our mainstream...
  3. DubbsBegins

    World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

    no its kinda like disengage but forward and less distance. I say distance is not bad at all.. i think its 75% of disengage
  4. DubbsBegins

    Prot Warrior FC Race....

  5. DubbsBegins

    The Hype of Aerie Peak

    dont know what the fuss is about.. someone mentioned how AP is full of trash. It is true but there is no way to have full of pros unless you have small population. AP is big so it has high population of trash and high population of pros compared to all the other servers. lets move on... if it...
  6. DubbsBegins

    What is your most hated class?

    cannot agree more to that.. its same with every cc i fake cast my fear but the rogue's late kick gets my second fear and im like bullshit
  7. DubbsBegins

    World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

    wtf... feral pwns hard even funner class rogue is ok... i mean, i cant really judge anything but although it isnt a big buff/nerf, i still prefer cata 20 rogue warlock is... i dont know either. i only tried demo and i think the leap is just so good but the rest is meh.... (i want soul link and...
  8. DubbsBegins

    feral vs combat in dps

    which one does more dps? im leaning towards combat..
  9. DubbsBegins

    What is your most hated class?

    i hate pallys noob pallys are tougher to beat than noob hunters as a feral.
  10. DubbsBegins

    The Hype of Aerie Peak

    lol funny every realms have noobs and pros. AP just has alot of both kind of players. Although i am seeing more noobs recently, its still higher % of pros than any other server i believe
  11. DubbsBegins

    Thank you vailent!!!!!

    o.O well the only time I talked to vailent was him helping me.. so I think hes a nice guy... if thats what you meant lol thanks again vailent :D
  12. DubbsBegins

    Powerful lvl 20 Weapon : Double Rogue

    thanks man :) helps me alot. although, getting killed by that mage in LM didnt make me too happy :P
  13. DubbsBegins

    MOP news

    yay there is still hope! :)
  14. DubbsBegins

    Yo, Mario Kart.

    lol i dont have the goblin trike :( i guess i cant go
  15. DubbsBegins

    World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

    well 1.4 FB isnt impossible right now.. I mean, i know we got buffed but is it enough to stay alive against the healers or just no?
  16. DubbsBegins

    World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

    no one giving updates for ferals.. ... if healers OP, what will happen to me and my YT channel :( /cry
  17. DubbsBegins

    Thank you vailent!!!!!

    HE made a youtube channel page background for me!! i dont know how i can thank him! :)) thank you!! DubbsBegins (Videos Every Week) - YouTube check it out
  18. DubbsBegins

    New MoP Undead Racial?

    ......fuck yea Glad i chose to be an UD lock.
  19. DubbsBegins

    Arena tips???

    dont forget to utilize focus target :)