Search results

  1. DubbsBegins

    Swtor going free to play

    Starwars the old republic is going free to play completely (no trial) in this fall Lol i guess not many people will go? Because gw2
  2. DubbsBegins

    video help

    I am almost done with my rogue videos. I will be going back to druid but i need to do this right now. For my warlock video, i need some special shots in UD starting area. my warlock is undead in AP horde. I will need some people that are fully geared or geared looking mog in every race. I do...
  3. DubbsBegins

    Slow Fall

    lol come on here is a wayyy better example. Licholas - f2p Fury Warrior PvP - YouTube boss.
  4. DubbsBegins

    The Exiled is now recruiting!

    lol this looks interesting... can we have more information about who is in the team right now?
  5. DubbsBegins

    Ret DPS

    ... ret is still better than any other melee dps... no complaining about being a paladin.
  6. DubbsBegins

    MrCer's A-Team Premade - Looking for Participants

    can i be the destro lock when no one else is on? :D oh didnt but now i did.. edit inc nvm i dont have mic :( have fun
  7. DubbsBegins

    I nominate myself as the worst player on TI

    dont worry suntime you are not a noob , Lich is just OP
  8. DubbsBegins

    F2P Masterthread

    i am dubbs and im the most famous f2p player in the world
  9. DubbsBegins

    PTR 85 Duel me

    what is?
  10. DubbsBegins

    PTR 85 Duel me

    i can play now anyone?
  11. DubbsBegins

    PTR 85 Duel me

    not atm :( maybe later.. add me to friend and ill kick yo ass later :D
  12. DubbsBegins

    PTR 85 Duel me

    Im on Nodundo KR horde and ally Ally - Dubbsreturns Horde - Drakedubbs they are both mages. Duel me anyone :D
  13. DubbsBegins

    How many of you are exicted for mop

    alright right now im a mage. warrior's second wind i cant beat either... who are you in Nodondo KR?
  14. DubbsBegins

    How many of you are exicted for mop

    i dont care lol all i want is to be playing on PTR forever lolol lvl 85 too fun (i accept any challenges :)
  15. DubbsBegins

    Ptr 85?

    i know we are all on Nodondo but im having so much fun with 85 mage... what server are you guys on and what guild
  16. DubbsBegins

    BiS Hangout - Alternate Hearth locations?

    the FP that is near gurubashi arena. from there, i can go to gromgol for zepplin to UC or ORG. but most importantly, when i am late, i can get to the arena fast
  17. DubbsBegins


    You play a hunter, not a bis lock. You cant speak
  18. DubbsBegins


    Warlocks can beat most rogue most of the time. I know you cant believe it but once you get bis, you will realize that i am right
  19. DubbsBegins

    Billow's AP f2p ranking list haaaa im bored

    What about dubbs? :)
  20. DubbsBegins

    who do you think the best f2ps are? eu and us

    ..... yo i thought MarzRider was just fucking around.. calm boy...