ret and holy is the way to go. most ppl just dont understand how to play a f2p ret pally. they might even have better burst dmg then hunters. 3 charges Templar's Verdict 1k crits depends on armor holy pallys prot warriors/pallys and druids in bear form around 700 crits. crusader strikes 300-500crits. auto attack around 200-350 crits. judgement 200 crit. exo 350 crits.the thing is u dont let hunters kite u if they try move back or LoS and build up ur charges on pets then run back in when they change targets go in for the kill or kill any melee attacking healers.sometimes ill stay back with healers and kill any pets or melee that come close to build up charges.i hate when i see melee just let hunters kite them out.
main spec hpally / 2nd spec ret
Chellyheals @ Shattered Halls - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
main spec hpally / 2nd spec ret
Chellyheals @ Shattered Halls - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
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