Search results

  1. About to roll a 64. What class?

    would a res stacked 64 resto druid be any good ?
  2. US wtb; shadowfang x2 and goblin mail legs on kelthuzad

  3. curious about s.priests

    just lvl inscription if u want pure SP x-d
  4. best proffesion

    eng + jc/bs or inscription if u just want stats for a caster
  5. Should I level to 85?

    what the fuck did i just read
  6. Paladin healer, holy or prot?

    prot was good for offense until the word of glory nerf : ( : ( :(
  7. 2 Mages combos

    you just gotta spam tab and hope u get lucky and hit the real one...
  8. Should I level to 85?

    lol lllllll
  9. Mage gems/enchants etc

    today has been good, thoridal and a glaive dropped and my priest got a skull of guldan yay
  10. you must toast in this epic bread.

    also did you do the 40 games in one night/day/w/e ? or did it take you several days of queuing to get that many games in?
  11. you must toast in this epic bread.

    lolz just realized i only need 500 honor on my druid i can get that before i level i think Coxafloppin @ Blackrock - Game - World of Warcraft sum1 play with me :(
  12. you must toast in this epic bread.

    do qs pop at 80 with xp off :? also anyone have a lvl 80 on blackrock ?x )
  13. Warrior enchant!? HELP

    i think you should go with fiery, maybe icy if ur getting kited a lot
  14. "BG9" of the 70 Bracket?

    not nightfall x)
  15. Highest rated 70 rogue is....

    um excuse me but its 4.5 seconds now
  16. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    oh my god after 15 times i got it also ot; went to my cousins house to get him to make a 70 mage twink since he had a 70 mage. he reactivated, got on his mage, ported to sw to turn off his xp and leveled off of 8 xp :( didnt even think to look at his xp bar -_- also wat 2 do with...
  17. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    its like 2000-3000g per try or something :/ the ah ran out of mats :/
  18. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    14 tries still dont have it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. queue bug

    queues have been pretty fucked up since 4.0 lol