curious about s.priests


so i just got my priest to 70 yesterday and picked up all the brutal gear/weaps so i have something at least. just wondering how much resil/haste i should be shooting for in a final set.

right now i'm sitting at 406 resil and ~15% haste right now, without gems.

also, should i put pts into twisted faith or should i get my hit elsewhere? i do plan on taking eng as my 2nd prof, but im still leveling jc at the moment so it'll be a while before i can reforge the trinkets
oknob said:
so i just got my priest to 70 yesterday and picked up all the brutal gear/weaps so i have something at least. just wondering how much resil/haste i should be shooting for in a final set.

right now i'm sitting at 406 resil and ~15% haste right now, without gems.

also, should i put pts into twisted faith or should i get my hit elsewhere? i do plan on taking eng as my 2nd prof, but im still leveling jc at the moment so it'll be a while before i can reforge the trinkets

Not sure if im fit to give advice about spriests, mines disc and i rlly only use it for lols in bg. I put 1 piece in twisted faith, went for 25% haste for extra dot ticks, stack the rest of my gems in intellect.(1 in spell pene to get close to the cap, preferably another 12 pene 10 haste gem) I also use double set bonus, I don't value the 4set alot since I use glyph of fade (Rather get away from a melee than soak damage with glyph of inner fire, also it makes the class less boring)

Also take bs and jc, engineering just shows lack of skill now
thanks for the info Gih. i was thinking about going with the 2 2-pieces but i had heard that 4.2 will remove the extra 2 piece bonus you get so i thought it might not be worth it...although i guess if 4.2 isnt until august, i prob should since i use the fade glyph too.

what is the spen cap? im sitting at 77 right now with the wand/OH/ring.

i was thinking bs over eng for the extra sockets, its the 2 profs i took on my 80 rogue too, and it also means i only have the mine up enopugh ore to lvl bs to 400 instead of eng to 450. it was mainly just the ability to reforge the trinkets and the chance of the 480 int tinker that had me leaning towards eng.

also, i was figuring red=int and yellow=resil or int/resil or int/haste, but i guess if the spen cap is above 77 i'll need that spen gem in there
the kid is upset that he wasnt able to farm Tazik on his old 70. take JC/Engy if you're willing to re-level it.
cant go wrong with synapse springs or taziks, dont listen to the hater
that's just it though, i dont think i am willing to re-level it if i dont get a good tinker. just seems like too much of a pain in the ass to drop eng -> take mining -> mine the ore -> drop mining -> take eng -> level eng and pray to the gods i dont have to repeat it again.
threesets said:
u can get tazik synapse or healing thing, thats a good chance of getting something good

is it worth more than what you would gain from the 2 extra sockets from BS if you didnt get a useful tinker?
healing injector actually cant be used in arena afaik. but in BGs its basically a LoH

also, im guessing from your distress over having to redo mining every time you drop engi you're poor...but imo just lvling mining and farm farm farm farm farm (or if you already have it, still farm). only farm valuable ore (or bars) and sell it so then you can afford to just drop engi and lvl off mats from the AH if you dont get one you like. or even mine as if you were lvling it and sell whole profession (bs/jc) power leveling packages to people. just make sure you give em enuff ore. would probably just be easier and more efficient to farm only the valuable stuff tho

if you're allaince and have rl cash you can race change to gnome for 3 tinkers, get ones you like then race change back. if youre horde itd cost more for the faction changes naturally

2 extra sockets pale in comparison to tazik or synapse
Dont listen to the noobs, they have had bad winrates all their life before they got tazik, u might as well go on some private server, donate for godmode and go play arena their, its basically the same thing but a little exaturated
riiite and nobody crutched on pyro rockets and op class comps before lk. gihi is just os mad
i play(ed) a pally at 70. i leveled engi once and got the Plasma Shield. I can't go Gnome so I never bothered getting it.

Try again, idiot.
thanks for all the info, it looks like im going to go with engi then. i hope to god i get the synapse springs on my first go.

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