Inc wall of text. Sorry 
OK well I made a thread last night looking for Good PvP 70 guilds and I also tried to find out where all the top rated players are located in the US.
And to no ones surprise there were pretty much no decent guilds out there. Heres basically what I found.
The top BG I.E the BG with the highest ratings is currently Ruin.
The top Guild on the BG is Séxy Timé All Thé Timé on Azgalor, Alliance
Here are some of the Top teams on Ruin:
First Nicolascage and Kevincosner
Currently at 2437 2v2
Film Actors Guild @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
The next is Qtpockets and Withered
Currently at 2380 2v2
Team Four Star @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Next is Cryogeneticz and Myself
Currently at 2355 2v2
wow this brackets hard @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Last we have Drtranlol and Lonelybeaver
Currently 2352 2v2
LISTEN HERE FAT GIRL @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Its drops off from here into a bunch of 2000-2300+ Teams.
There are of course other BGs with high rated players but none of them even come close to the consistency of Ruin in its current state. Most have one maybe two high rated teams and thats about it.
So my point here is Ruin currently has the highest over all Ratings on Any BG in the US. People have been complaining that 70 arenas are broken or aren't competitive enough so here is my thought/Idea.
Similar to how all the good players at 85 xfered to one BG and one server (Tichondrious, BG9), We all should do the same, and Create our own 70 "BG9".
I want to use this same concept but with all the 2k+ Players in the US on all BGs. I know this is probably impossible, obviously people would be reluctant to xfer and drop all there ratings and some people just don't want to spend the money. But I think with enough time, and enough effort we could convince at least 35-50% of the 2k+ 70 community to xfer over.
This would accomplish several things. For one thing it would mean more top teams because you could constantly switch up team make ups and play with new, good people. It would help create more Rated BG teams which we desperately need. And it would help the community over all bringing more people together.
The Idea would be to have one guild possibly two, the other guild on the opposite faction. With everyone in it. This would make it easy to do Premade BGs, Rated BGs, and even coordinate Arena Qs.
This is over course just a Idea, I mean it seems to work extremely well at level cap. There was always a Top BG that all the good players xfered to and always one or two Top guilds where they congregated.
So I would like to know everyones thoughts about this idea. Maybe what server would be best, if you agree Ruin is the right BG, what guild should we create or should we use existing guilds, and the most important question what the best way to make this happen.
I Look forward to seeing your ideas!!
OK well I made a thread last night looking for Good PvP 70 guilds and I also tried to find out where all the top rated players are located in the US.
And to no ones surprise there were pretty much no decent guilds out there. Heres basically what I found.
The top BG I.E the BG with the highest ratings is currently Ruin.
The top Guild on the BG is Séxy Timé All Thé Timé on Azgalor, Alliance
Here are some of the Top teams on Ruin:
First Nicolascage and Kevincosner
Currently at 2437 2v2
Film Actors Guild @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
The next is Qtpockets and Withered
Currently at 2380 2v2
Team Four Star @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Next is Cryogeneticz and Myself
Currently at 2355 2v2
wow this brackets hard @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Last we have Drtranlol and Lonelybeaver
Currently 2352 2v2
LISTEN HERE FAT GIRL @ Ruin - Game - World of Warcraft
Its drops off from here into a bunch of 2000-2300+ Teams.
There are of course other BGs with high rated players but none of them even come close to the consistency of Ruin in its current state. Most have one maybe two high rated teams and thats about it.
So my point here is Ruin currently has the highest over all Ratings on Any BG in the US. People have been complaining that 70 arenas are broken or aren't competitive enough so here is my thought/Idea.
Similar to how all the good players at 85 xfered to one BG and one server (Tichondrious, BG9), We all should do the same, and Create our own 70 "BG9".
I want to use this same concept but with all the 2k+ Players in the US on all BGs. I know this is probably impossible, obviously people would be reluctant to xfer and drop all there ratings and some people just don't want to spend the money. But I think with enough time, and enough effort we could convince at least 35-50% of the 2k+ 70 community to xfer over.
This would accomplish several things. For one thing it would mean more top teams because you could constantly switch up team make ups and play with new, good people. It would help create more Rated BG teams which we desperately need. And it would help the community over all bringing more people together.
The Idea would be to have one guild possibly two, the other guild on the opposite faction. With everyone in it. This would make it easy to do Premade BGs, Rated BGs, and even coordinate Arena Qs.
This is over course just a Idea, I mean it seems to work extremely well at level cap. There was always a Top BG that all the good players xfered to and always one or two Top guilds where they congregated.
So I would like to know everyones thoughts about this idea. Maybe what server would be best, if you agree Ruin is the right BG, what guild should we create or should we use existing guilds, and the most important question what the best way to make this happen.
I Look forward to seeing your ideas!!