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  1. Your Battletag Here (Queue)

    cutest#1441 US can offer minimal help with agms on horde or alliance too
  2. Official Que Thread.

    cutest#1441 is my battle.tag id love to play some games
  3. Official Que Thread.

    are games pretty active every night? i just reactivated tonight and i have a bunch of ghetto characters that i'd like to play
  4. whats changed since 4.3 in regards to the 19 bracket

    is it active?pm me in the info. i havent played live since about may :( i was doing rbgs with tom, atax, ruin and everyone else but that kinda stopped happening. fuck, i wanna play 19s since they added back enchants for legs and shit lol. do you still need engineering for rocket gloves? i...
  5. whats changed since 4.3 in regards to the 19 bracket

    pls help does drayner still post here??
  6. MoP: Resto Druid Facts

    i think damage numbers are final tbh they got rid of ability scaling by level pretty much, so damage went up quite a bit. but they increased HP by a little bit and doubled mobs hps from 1-60(possibly 1-85) and they added 30%(50% now but not sure if it will change) baseline resilience to...
  7. hemo the new sinister strike?!

    uh yes, it literally replaces sinister strike if youre sub..
  8. dmg and hp will be higher in MoP

    its hard to say if damage will change because they havent even made abilities scale by level yet on beta.. like for example, at 19 on live, sinister strike hits for 50% weapon damage and 175% on beta at 19. which is the same at level 90. the exact same shit happened whenever cata came out.. i...
  9. 19 mop beta video thread

    anyone want to do some stuff on the eu realm?
  10. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    26 runs later..
  11. 19 mop beta video thread

    where ya go :((((
  12. 19 mop beta video thread

    do you have skype or something? this is kind of annoying to setup :(
  13. 19 mop beta video thread

    i can get on now if youre still on and i dont think current damage means anything. theres no way current damage will go live :/
  14. 19 mop beta video thread

    i sure hope that they can find some time to make abilities scale a bit better :(
  15. 19 mop beta video thread

    monks get 40% melee haste if they use a 2 hander and 40% increased auto attack damage if they dual wield
  16. 19 mop beta video thread

    after playing my rogue on beta, i realized that its not just monks that are lacking scaling, its pretty much every class :( i hope that this isnt intended
  17. 19 mop beta video thread

    i think sub is better slightly better. sinister strike hits harder hit for hit but sub gets a lot more dodge and crit. hemo also costs 30 energy vs sinister strikes 40 sub vs low lvl mobs combat vs low lvl mobs cbf to run to duskwood to fight higher level mobs
  18. 19 mop beta video thread

    hopefully other people will contribute.. 19 monk healing vs rogue damage, no kick, just to test damage and healing. would have died in a single kick :( beta monk vs rogue - YouTube first duel on mop beta, didnt know what to expect. didnt expect that though. rogue damage - YouTube my monks...
  19. LF 19s to duel on beta!

    ok, 19. anyone on?x)