id really like to test monk damage vs healers!
leave char names
jsxe - 19 monk
leave char names
jsxe - 19 monk
Ill duel you on the beta, I've got a hpally and a rogue set to go bud.
Eu / us?
us but all regions are shared, i can copy over some boas and stuff to eu and level another monk up or you can copy a char over to gilneas(us pvp)
Last time I checked EU couldn't copy non-premade chars to US realms.
you can, just checked x)
and im alliance on gilneas but i want to make an ud monk for the new racial
And how exactly am I supposed to do that? The only characters I can copy to US realms are the 85 premades.
Well, I'm sure you guys can copy your chars to EU realms. We can't copy to US realms, though. I'm sure blizz had good reasons.weird, i just copied my us characters to the eu server.
but ill level an undead monk on the eu server sometime today so its w/e
ok, 19. anyone on?x)