Take Shots
Was just on the PTR, sorry if their is allready a post about this, but just tryin to shed some light for those who havent been on PTR yet.
Health: 1729 vs. 1373 on Live
Mana Pool: 550 vs. 2059 on Live
Rejuvenation- 18 mana: Crit ~436, Non Crit ~ 218
Nourish - 11 mana: Crit ~ 650, Non Crit ~ 330
Regrowth- 33 mana: Crit ~1050, Non Crit ~ 550
Swiftmend- 9 mana: Crit ~ 1450, Non Crit ~ 720
Swiftmend AoE Effect: Crit ~ 173, Non Crit ~ 83
Regrowth is hella OP seeing that it has a 60% increased crit chance. Only using Regrowth, I was able to cast 60 times before going oom, and even than it was only like .1 seconds until i could cast again, repeatedly.
Using this gearset, Towelìe @ Bleeding Hollow - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
On another note, Troll Travelform is no longer a cheetah, its like a grey stag with giant antlers...kinda cool.
Health: 1729 vs. 1373 on Live
Mana Pool: 550 vs. 2059 on Live
Rejuvenation- 18 mana: Crit ~436, Non Crit ~ 218
Nourish - 11 mana: Crit ~ 650, Non Crit ~ 330
Regrowth- 33 mana: Crit ~1050, Non Crit ~ 550
Swiftmend- 9 mana: Crit ~ 1450, Non Crit ~ 720
Swiftmend AoE Effect: Crit ~ 173, Non Crit ~ 83
Regrowth is hella OP seeing that it has a 60% increased crit chance. Only using Regrowth, I was able to cast 60 times before going oom, and even than it was only like .1 seconds until i could cast again, repeatedly.
Using this gearset, Towelìe @ Bleeding Hollow - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
On another note, Troll Travelform is no longer a cheetah, its like a grey stag with giant antlers...kinda cool.