MoP: Resto Druid Facts

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Was just on the PTR, sorry if their is allready a post about this, but just tryin to shed some light for those who havent been on PTR yet.

Health: 1729 vs. 1373 on Live
Mana Pool: 550 vs. 2059 on Live

Rejuvenation- 18 mana: Crit ~436, Non Crit ~ 218
Nourish - 11 mana: Crit ~ 650, Non Crit ~ 330
Regrowth- 33 mana: Crit ~1050, Non Crit ~ 550
Swiftmend- 9 mana: Crit ~ 1450, Non Crit ~ 720
Swiftmend AoE Effect: Crit ~ 173, Non Crit ~ 83

Regrowth is hella OP seeing that it has a 60% increased crit chance. Only using Regrowth, I was able to cast 60 times before going oom, and even than it was only like .1 seconds until i could cast again, repeatedly.

Using this gearset, Towelìe @ Bleeding Hollow - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

On another note, Troll Travelform is no longer a cheetah, its like a grey stag with giant antlers...kinda cool.
nourish still seem to suck

Yeah, nourish is as shit as it is in cata, but it's even less worth casting in MoP due to the huge mana regen. It's hard to go OOM with regrowth anyways, and regrowth heals such a shitload of more in half of the time... Resto seems very viable for healing atm. But don't all the healing specs?
How can you call Regrowth OP compared to 1.8k Flash of Lights and 1.3k Holy Shocks?

Did anyone Say anything about paladins in the previous post?
Hs mentioned druid healing, because currently in Cata druid healing is terrible. Come moP it should be MUCH improved. which is the only point of this post.. Why throw in paladins? who are already in cata are OP. so whats the big deal about them staying the same way? theres not one, and no need to throw them in this conversation.
Did anyone Say anything about paladins in the previous post?
Hs mentioned druid healing, because currently in Cata druid healing is terrible. Come moP it should be MUCH improved. which is the only point of this post.. Why throw in paladins? who are already in cata are OP. so whats the big deal about them staying the same way? theres not one, and no need to throw them in this conversation.
Do you even know what overpowered means? A heal is defenitely not overpowered if it is worse than the heals other classes have.
Healing/damage numbers are not final. Blizzard does the numbers passes after all other changes have been finalized. Talking about numbers is a pointless task right now, unless you are posing on the Wow forums to provide feedback.
Do you even know what overpowered means? A heal is defenitely not overpowered if it is worse than the heals other classes have.

Im very aware of what overpowered means. Considering the gameplay of current druid healers in the bracket (by no means the best healer).. The amount of crit/heals they have right now on PTR ( which are not final) will seem overpowered to ANY druid who has played during cata.

Going from Barely having the power to outheal even some badly geared players to being able to heal through Well geared players will feel Overpowered to anyone who has played a druid in their current state..

My point is this topic and thread is about "Druids" Why throw paladins into the mix? make a seperate thread? Everyone knows paladins are OP on PTR/Beta. Theyre also OP in Cata.. So its not new to anyone who has played in the last year.
Im very aware of what overpowered means. Considering the gameplay of current druid healers in the bracket (by no means the best healer).. The amount of crit/heals they have right now on PTR ( which are not final) will seem overpowered to ANY druid who has played during cata.

Going from Barely having the power to outheal even some badly geared players to being able to heal through Well geared players will feel Overpowered to anyone who has played a druid in their current state..

My point is this topic and thread is about "Druids" Why throw paladins into the mix? make a seperate thread? Everyone knows paladins are OP on PTR/Beta. Theyre also OP in Cata.. So its not new to anyone who has played in the last year.
You obviously don't know what overpowered means and either didn't read my post or didn't understand a word.
mate lol, u cant call regrowth op cause it has become better

look at it from this way

priest/pala flash gone from 500 to 900

druid reg gone frmo 250 to 500

yes it has percentually become better than priest/pala flash heal has, but it still heals about half which is why druid will remain worse than priests/palas
Well, even if regrowth is 500 now which seems kinda low compared to other healers, when you count that +60% crit chance too, it's suddenly an average of 800 per cast. That combined with Rejuvenation healing being a bit over doubled now, and Swiftmend CD lowered by 5 secs (20->15) and swiftmend applying efflorescence effect now (90 per sec), Restos have became A LOT more viable than what they are in cata.
Well, even if regrowth is 500 now which seems kinda low compared to other healers, when you count that +60% crit chance too, it's suddenly an average of 800 per cast. That combined with Rejuvenation healing being a bit over doubled now, and Swiftmend CD lowered by 5 secs (20->15) and swiftmend applying efflorescence effect now (90 per sec), Restos have became A LOT more viable than what they are in cata.

Thank you, thats all im trying to say, not comparing to other classes :)
Healing/damage numbers are not final. Blizzard does the numbers passes after all other changes have been finalized. Talking about numbers is a pointless task right now, unless you are posing on the Wow forums to provide feedback.

i think damage numbers are final tbh

they got rid of ability scaling by level pretty much, so damage went up quite a bit.

but they increased HP by a little bit and doubled mobs hps from 1-60(possibly 1-85) and they added 30%(50% now but not sure if it will change) baseline resilience to help low levels slightly.

the damage makes sense but the healing is fucking wonky.
druid heals are crazy they have that green circle thing that pops up swiftmend and regrowth heals for a shit ton
burst is pretty mitigated to so druid heals could prove to be da bomb, seeing as they wont be overhealing hard as other classes (i think)
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How does hpals almost one shotting everything make sense?

They don't anymore, and that is a symptom of wonky healing, since holy shock damage is directly proportional to holy shock healing.

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