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  1. Holypowah

    Ideas of high lvl npc's to kill in a raid like setting with only f2ps .

    Outland trash are too easy. Hell, I can solo a Hellboar as resto. Imo a good challenge is probably one of those blackrock elite in the Burning stepps.
  2. Holypowah

    Ideas of high lvl npc's to kill in a raid like setting with only f2ps .

    I don't think it's that hard if I could solo it with a Prot Pally. Granted, I can heal but 3>1 pally.
  3. Holypowah

    it has been an honor.

    Patch 5.2
  4. Holypowah

    Ideas of high lvl npc's to kill in a raid like setting with only f2ps .
  5. Holypowah

    Rate my Human Protection Paladin.

    Expentise reduces the chance for my attack to get parried. I don't think it helps Hoj, AS and HR that much.
  6. Holypowah

    Rate my Human Protection Paladin.

    I'm not hit-capped but I dont feel I need to. I have not missed a single spell on a 20 before and in 5.2, every opponent I face will be the same level as me. I think almost enough hit is fine.
  7. Holypowah

    Rate my Human Protection Paladin.

    Try Dark Iron Hobnail Boots - Item - World of Warcraft
  8. Holypowah

    Is this bracket worth joining?

    AP Horde imo
  9. Holypowah

    Deviate Fish

    As Alliance, the fastest way is to fly from SW to Booty Bay and catch the boat to Ratchet.
  10. Holypowah


  11. Holypowah

    Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

    Endgame wars do quite well with avatar/reckless stacking burst. They should just nerf that.
  12. Holypowah

    Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

    A popular belief is that patch 5.2 is going to release on March 6th. Sighh.....
  13. Holypowah

    Best race shaman resto

    Orc and troll suck compared to Tauren and Goblin.
  14. Holypowah

    Best race shaman resto

    All in all, it really depends on what you focus on. Goblin provides a gap opener that can be vital when repicking a flag from enemy base when efc is trying to cap or escaping a rogue. Tauren has a short AoE stun that can be used as a extra interrupt that could impact life and death and of...
  15. Holypowah

    Parachute Cloak: PvP power vs Agility? Rogue question.

    As for the F2P and 24 argument, it needs to just STOP! It is obviously getting nowhere and is just a quick way to get a thread locked. Just STOP seriously!
  16. Holypowah

    Parachute Cloak: PvP power vs Agility? Rogue question.

    First off, I don't see how you can even come close to losing against a 20 paladin as a 24 rogue. It should be easy as cake.
  17. Holypowah

    Come at me Bro

    Yes but not that much on my Shaman. Mostly on my pally I get Horde trying to kill me, which is strange because I die easily on my shaman.
  18. Holypowah

    Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

    Exorcism does more damage than avenger shield at a higher level.
  19. Holypowah

    Transmog rating thread (rate 1-10, F2P only)

    Copy my Shaman mog.