Most 20s don't give a flying fadoodle whether you GY farm or not, just get the hell out of the bracket and stop making excuses that justify your stay. What I'm getting out of this thread is; I don't GY farm, but should I ambush the 20s for 900, or should I ambush them for 950? Also, I have a p2p account, but it boggles my mind that people actually pay 15 bucks a month to play the garbage that is 24 is beyond me, @ least try to do something productive to prove to me that you're not all hopeless. Ofc some of you are nice people, but you're really going under playing like this, no respect from me.
A few months ago I did decide to make 24, and the conclusion was that it was SO boring, that I only ever played it before bed when I wanted to wind down. The char is shelved atm and I'm planning on going to 39.(Which is where all of you should be going)
You're implying that we only pay 15 dollars to play one bracket? If I wanted to play only 1 bracket, I'd stay on my F2P. Boring is a subjective term. Some find it boring, some don't. Also, rogues aren't as deadly as they once were though they're still formidable.
Also, dude. Take a chill pill. You're obviously upset and angry about this. It isn't that big of a deal unless they're the annoying 24s who act all "F2P SUX /LOL" who also farm.
From my understanding, there were 24s around before F2P accounts got unlimited time, though they were an incredibly small community back then. Keep in mind, like I said, we pay for this game, not you.
Trial accounts were meant for sampling the game. I don't think Blizzard made trial accounts have unlimited time with twinking in mind, either. Although they're not 'against it' in the sense they'll stop people, they're against it in the sense that they are losing money for something one can do in game. I once asked for something on my F2P feral druid and they told me that F2P twinking wasn't intentional at all, though they'll still help us, and they actually had talk about removing the unlimited time to encourage these twinks to go back to other brackets, though they decided to keep unlimited time in once they realized some F2Ps can't afford the actual game.
I only play on my 24s if I have literally nothing to do, or if I'm stressed out IRL (It makes me feel better to play a 24 or 10-14 in experience on (Not the glitch, though) when I'm upset, hence why I've been on my 24 rogue a lot in BGs after four close cousins passed away). I enjoy my feral druid but I'm really discouraged on gearing him since it took me forever to get the heirloom chest piece, and when I recently found out you can link trials to your actual full account for mounts, I got really ticked since I wanted my mounts and companions, though I didn't want to work on a new F2P.
On stealthies, I try to play almost entirely objectively without killing a F2P unless it's a healer or FC or a GY farmer, but on my non-stealthies, I have to be forced to kill F2Ps in mid to get to the objectives.
I understand your rage though, man. Sometimes it really is unfair since 24s can be game changers, though it has to be a bunch of 24s or a REALLY good 24 to make that big of a difference.
I respect the bracket enough to the point if I see that there are many 24s on my team, I'll leave the group and go on my F2P.