Best race shaman resto

Horde id say goblin is pretty good for amzing mobility. For alliance id pick panda, the interupt/sleep and bonus 6 stamina from food are pretty good

Edit: Rumsey getting nerfed in 5.2 so the panda passive food bonus will actually be useful
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Do not under estimate orcs decreased stun time. half a second less on the hammer of jesus is super useful in this pally infested bracket.
Goblin rocket jump allows escape from melee for a heal. This has saved me numerous times.
tauren is the best ,comes wwith a stun, (say FU MoP rogues) more hp, and an ability to actually resist enemy purges.
For horde goblin panda tauren troll
for ally dwarf panda dranei
now flip a coin champ.
All in all, it really depends on what you focus on.

Goblin provides a gap opener that can be vital when repicking a flag from enemy base when efc is trying to cap or escaping a rogue.
Tauren has a short AoE stun that can be used as a extra interrupt that could impact life and death and of course AoE stunning and repicking a dropped flag. Panda has decent CC move that can be used as a interrupt or incapitating a target.

Dwarf has stoneform that works life a cleanse and does well stacked with Astral Shift while eating damage.
Draenei has as HoT that cannot be dispelled and don't need as much hit.

It really depends on what kind of player you are. Don't choose based on racials. Pick the race that YOU feel best.
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Orc is nice for ele/enh.
Panda is nice for O and D healing.
Goblin is best for FC.
Tauren is nice for D healing or FC.
Troll is nice for ele.

But all races for works for everything if you know the class.

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