Search results

  1. How much is this worth ? serious bids

    Hello guys please take some time and read through this thread and i want you to value my account how much you think i can sell it for. Ive been playing since early cata! 20 Hunter @ KILROGG *Fully loomed ( except ring ) *2x AGM *GF'd Tabard ( Scarlet Crusade ) *Burgy pirate hat *Maxed...
  2. How much is my account worth?

    Hello guys please take some time and read through this thread and i want you to value my account how much you think i can sell it for. Ive been playing since early cata! 20 Hunter @ KILROGG *Fully loomed ( except ring ) *2x AGM *GF'd Tabard ( Scarlet Crusade ) *Burgy pirate hat *Maxed out...
  3. Vent Your Frustrations II

    Fcking battle fattigue , *blizzard ure retarded i cant even outheal a damn disc priest wtf is this shit
  4. best spec?

    i also need a good gear setup , can someone link me a good rogues armory ? [A]
  5. best spec?

    imma go for fast burst , tryed the Shadow Focus , didnt like the burst u got from it that much
  6. best spec?

    hey i just made a rogue and recently got to level 15.. so now i need youre help .. wich talent is the best at level 20 twinking :)
  7. Formility's streaming channel

  8. Bring Cata f2p back?

    Too much negative feedbacks , idea put down for now.
  9. Bring Cata f2p back?

    I dont consider p2p enchants as pay to win really .. they will be in as event rewards to so non donors can get it , but if the server grows i will need a good host and i need donations for that , i hope u understand
  10. Bring Cata f2p back?

    I will also script so it will be able to play 2v2 skirmishes and rated arenas ofc
  11. Bring Cata f2p back?

    Hey i made a same looking thread in the private server section so please dont transfer this one.. , i have developing several servers .. but recently i started to miss old cata f2p alot .. So now im asking you guys, would you join the server if i took some time to make one? I was thinking Level...
  12. druid with alot of rare drops (check mog for more rares. )

    ps : bank full of boe's
  13. druid with alot of rare drops (check mog for more rares. )

    Restoelf @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft
  14. Blizzcon!

    Skirmish arena.. please someone ask about that in Q&A if ure going there .. PLEEEZ
  15. Rejt doodo

    rate plez Restoelf @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft .. bless
  16. Questions & Answers

    ICC still open for lowlevels ?
  17. Formility's streaming channel

  18. Arathi Basin CTA 3/9/13

    ill join .. on the ally team . mohahaha
  19. Best of F2P EU

    Sams is so bad.. hes the worst pala on kilrogg , maybe eu ..
  20. Best of F2P EU

    käft bara casper :p