go subtetly+shadow focus for max burst and get:
rifle commanders eyepatch
sentinels medallion
shadowfang spaulders
tumultuous cloak of the bandit
armor of the fang
bands of serrakis
naga battle gloves
satchel belt of the bandit
smelting pants
standard issue prisoner shoes
ellos band
signet of argus
insignia of the alliance
rune of duty
i would like a little more info. best spec really depends on what race you are . for Ne sub> others where as a class that can't restealth on que should probably go with assas.
Yeah I've been testing agility and crit builds for assassin spec and it turns out with Battle fatigue being as it is you can solo kill almoast anything if you open on them.Just make sure you have thistle tea because assasin eats energy like hell