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  1. Mage Macro's

    Nice mate, wd.
  2. 10,000 AP DK bonus armor set 90-99 or lower

    For those of you wondering what items you need to do fantastic damage as a dk in the 9099 bracket, here's the gear I'm using. Most of the gear is gamebreaking in the lower brackets also. You can get better pieces in some slots, but you'd have...
  3. Looks like the bg que times will fall, I was amazed to see this...

    I really thought bg's were dieing with the que times recently, but this really amazed me and gives me some hope for the future of wow:
  4. Walk through walls in strand of the ancients and other major pvp exploits

    I feel positive this will generate some interest (evil grin).
  5. Does anyone else find this odd?

    I'm not quite sure what you are getting at. There is no "transfer" as such, the pets are simply waiting in any new account you create, as accessible to you as the account that acquired them.
  6. Does anyone else find this odd?

    This has been the case for some time, and is the only effective way to transfer gold between realms.
  7. R.I.P Robin Williams

    There's a history of depression amongst comedians. I guess if someone so universally loved as Robin Williams can kill himself, then happiness is really something that comes from within rather than without. Very sad.
  8. Interstellar (movie) Discussion Thread

    Your cat hypnotized me.
  9. New 10 Hunter looking for advice

    Yeah your right, I should have said 5+, though it depends on their gear. Even without the scroll a good twink can take out 5 players in mediocre gear. That's what I was getting at. I remember hitting 50+ a few times but I don't recall getting over 60, wd.
  10. New 10 Hunter looking for advice

    Do you find the extra HP helps much? I used to get 3K with the scroll exploit and it made surprisingly little difference. Most of the time you kill everything, but if you get caught 1 vs 5 you die anyway, it just takes longer. Am I missing something?
  11. Crowd Control.

    Thanks so much for this, exactly the information I was looking for.
  12. Do You?????

    I think there's also something to the theory that homophobes are latent homosexuals overcompensating for that mild or overt homosexuality. Most people are apparently faintly attracted to the same sex. I'm never sure how they measure that (I personally have no conscious attraction to the same sex...
  13. Things can always get worse...

    Yep, they work as pvp devs for Blizzard....
  14. Preparing for WOD

    Something to bear in mind for wod: keep every spell/ability on your toolbar. Some boomkins and restos can still use thrash because they still have it on their toolbars from cata. There's a good chance the same thing will happen with some spell id in the next expansion.
  15. Things can always get worse...

    It would be if you took it out of sample, but this is one of those probability questions similar to the fact that you are technically witnessing a miracle every time you see a car number plate. The odds of this happening for any individual car are astronomical, but no one thinks of it as...
  16. The end of low level twinking (1-9) in WoD :(

    As one door closes, another opens....
  17. Will 10s scale come WoD?

    Interesting, I missed that. I guess with the current disparities in gear/classes etc it is pointless subdividing the ques. Gonna be pretty tough on 10's, I remember being a mage in tbc getting one-shotted by rogues....
  18. Hey

    You may know me from ownedcore, or from my youtube channel as Archvaldor.