Crowd Control.


TC Champ 2016
"Crowd Control"

Hey what's up faggots. Today i'm making a guide cause Dan is forcing me to. In this guide i'm going to be giving you some tips on Crowd Control in Arena and Battlegrounds. CC or "Crowd Control" is a very important aspect of the game. There are various types of cc and most classes have their own form of cc. There is many different types of cc. However at 24 there isn't a whole lot of cc to worry about as the only classes that have cc are Mage, Lock, Paladian, Druid (If you count roots :p), Priest, WW Monk, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue and Shaman. But wait isn't that not all the classes available at 24? Yes it is which is why cc is a very important.

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Diminishing Returns

A Diminishing Return (Also known as DR) is a way to keep CC under control and stop it from getting out of hand. A DR prevents you from being CC'd forever by cutting the length of time you are CC'd by certain type of CC each time it is applied to you. For example if I Fear someone for a full 8 seconds then refresh fear them after they have been effected by a fear it will only last 4 seconds. A DR will half the CC 3 times then the become immune to the effect. When a spell with diminishing returns is used against a player, the first effect has full duration. The effect then diminishes by 50%, then 75%, then the target becomes immune.

Some abilities share diminishing returns such as "Fear" and "Psychic scream" These abilities fall into the same category of CC.
This brings me to the topic of different types of CC which all share Diminishing Returns.

Stun - Hammer of Justice, Bear Hug, Sonic Blast (Hunter Pet), War Stomp.
Disorient - Polymorph, Gouge, Chastise, Sap.
Silence - Arcane Torrent, Avenger Shield.
Root - Entangling Roots, Freeze, Frost Nova, Pin (Hunter Pet).
Scatter - Scatter Shot.
Fear - Fear, Psychic Scream, Psyfiend, Seduction.
Disarm - Snatch.
None - Mind Control, Charge (These abilities don't share DR with other CC but Still share DR with its self).

DR lasts 15 seconds from the 'end' of the effect.

the 15 seconds starts at either

1. effect is broken (damage)

2. reapplied (refreshed before it ends on its own)

3. effect wears off after its timer

It should be noted that the server does not reset diminishing returns after exactly 15 seconds. Instead, it checks every 5 seconds if there are any diminishing returns that should be reset because the last spell in their category was cast on the target more than 15 seconds ago. As a result, a particular diminishing return category may take anywhere between 15 and 20 seconds to reset. Most addons guess that a DR category has reset after 18 seconds by default.

Due to DRs you should think before you CC, No point wasting a full Fear when you kill target is in LOS (Line of Sight) and you can't get to him.
Some classes excel at CC Such as Lock and Mage. To be successful at playing these classes CC is required.


Macros are almost required to be effective with CC. I would suggest starting out using basic focus macros such as

/cast [mod:shift, @focus] "CC Name"
/cast "CC Name"

Lets say for example you bind this macro to "F" if you press "F" Normally (Without Shift) you will cast your CC at your target. Now if you Hold down "Shift" and press "F" this will now be cast on your focus.

you could also use /cast [@focus] "CC Name" if you want to bind your focus CC on a different key to your non-focus CC.

Once you have mastered focus CC you could try move onto /cast [@arena1] which will cause the CC to be cast on the top player of your arena frames. However I would recommend you don't get ahead of yourself and make too many binds to remember, but arena 123 Interrupt is nice as you don't always have time to switch your target/focus to Interrupt a cast.


When to use CC

Using CC isn't always the best option to create kill opportunities. Sometimes just bursting someone can be more effective than a full gouge
especially if you're a rogue. Wasting energy on a gouge when you could use it to do damage isn't always the greatest idea in the current state of this bracket and how bursty it is. Wasting time energy and global's on CC isn't always the answer and I wouldn't recommend using gouge often when on the offensive. CC Which is off the GCD (Global Cooldown) Such as Interrupts is perfect to use while bursting as it won't cost you a GCD.

Unfortunately you will almost never set up CC perfectly and will have to adapt to your surroundings and Improvise so don't get down if things don't always go perfect.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

-Albert Einstein

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually afraid you will make one."

-Elbert Hubbard

EVERYBODY makes mistakes the important thing about mistakes is that you learn from your mistakes and keep trying no matter what. Don't be afraid of making mistakes as you learn from them and try your hardest not to make the mistake again.

Offensive CC

There are two main types of CC. Offensive CC is used to Set up kill opportunities and make the enemy team go defensive. You should use CC before you burst someone(A stun on kill target or Fear on kill targets Healer). Offensive CC is most commonly used on the enemy healer to allow you to land a kill or to put out maximum pressure.

Defensive CC

Defensive CC is the exact opposite to Offensive CC. Defensive CC is used when the other team is going offensive. Imagine, You healer is in a full polymorph and you're team mate is half hp. What do you do? This is where Defensive CC or "Peeling" comes into play. Basically peeling is used to relieve pressure from yourself or your team mates.

CC Chains

Most teams will use what players call “CC Chain” on the enemy team healer to try and get a kill. A CC Chain is when you CC The same target as long as you can using your teams CC. This requires the team to coordinate CC onto the same target after each CC has ended. This allows the maximum amount of time to try to land a kill on the enemy team. Mastering CC Chains requires alot of practise, coordination and timing. To perfect this you will need to keep track of the DRs on targets to maximise the length of time you can CC a player. You can use addons such as Gladius to track DRs.


Countering CC


When trying to counter CC Interrupts are you best friend a good interrupt can completely ruin a CC Chain and potentially save your or your teammate's life. To interrupt a CC you will need to be very aware and time your interrupt perfectly (Icy stfu I know exactly what you're gonna comment) When trying to interrupt bad people like icy it's easy, However when fighting people that can fake cast holding onto your kick can sometimes be more effective than using it.

PVP Trinket/Dispels

The PVP Trinket is also another way to counter CC. This trinket has a 2 min CD and removes all forms of CC. Healers and some damage roles have abilities that allow them to remove crowd control spells from their teammates with a dispel ability.

Countering Counter CC

There is many ways to stop people from stopping your CC. Landing CC isn't always easy especially when fighting people that know what's up

Fake casting

When trying to CC but the enemy has an interrupt off CD and ready to use you have to bait the interrupt by "Fake casting". Fake casting is when you begin to cast but then suddenly stop casting attempting to force an interrupt but stop the cast so you don't get locked out.

CCing a Trinket or Dispel

When you expect a player to get Dispeled or to Trinket a CC you should have a 2nd CC ready for when he get's dispeled or trinkets. Then if he trinkets or gets dispeled he is still CC'd and his trinket is wasted.

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