Preparing for WOD


Hello TI,

I figured since WOD is approaching with each passing day, it might be a good idea to start making threads (possibly stickied threads) for each bracket that list any soon to be removed items/enchants that will be important to have come WOD. Transitioning into Cata from WoTLK was pretty awful for brackets like 19 and 29, and I think it'd be awesome to minimize losses by helping people stock up on gear and enchants that will be become grandfathered in the next expansion.

Considering that stats will be changed on many items, it's also important to note that some items that are bad now, and may also be on the list of soon to be removed items, will end up becoming bis in the future. Also, I heard that Blizzard is revamping some more of the older instances (I believe Black Rock Spire was one). I'm assuming this means, like Scarlet Monastery and Shadowfang Keep before it, the old gear will be removed and replaced with new gear.

That said, it's probably a good idea to start studying up on what's going to be gone next expansion. Anyone who's had twinks in the lower brackets during the Cata launch will know how it feels to wake up the morning after the first patch of the expansion to find out gear from X dungeon or X quest are no longer available in the game. Look at it this way, more players with better gear means a more even playing field for both sides.

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Yea, some gearpieces, for example bracers might not be enchantable anymore in WoD. I think its best to keep up with what blizz is planning to do with WoD so u wont miss out on any bis gear...
Also, I hear the JC only gems might become grandfathered - not sure though. I wish I could start playing the beta so I could report on upcoming changes. Sadly, I haven't received a beta key. : /

from what I've seen, WoD will be balancing the 80 bracket a ton (409s will be less powerful then 277 ICC gear with gems)

so I'm currently working on Shadowmourne on a Ret/DK/Warrior seeing as it will be BiS :)

should make the bracket fun and alive again
Something to bear in mind for wod: keep every spell/ability on your toolbar.

Some boomkins and restos can still use thrash because they still have it on their toolbars from cata. There's a good chance the same thing will happen with some spell id in the next expansion.
I have some questions about WoD.

1. Brackets would be 5 or 10 lvls? 10-14 or 10-19?
2. Enchants will remove from which slots? except bracers
49's took a huge blow in the WOTLK to CATA transition, because many in the bracket did the i got a secret. they knew that +60 level items that could be farmed but not yet equipped and could put on WOTLK enchants. CATA lowered the item level and player level to equip these items. players had some seriously strong GF'd enchants.

players too late realized the damage, tried to agree not to use them, but players where still swapping in and out this gear as needed.
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Yea, some gearpieces, for example bracers might not be enchantable anymore in WoD. I think its best to keep up with what blizz is planning to do with WoD so u wont miss out on any bis gear...

in CATA they had alpha, then beta, then a open PTR which requires no invite right before live.

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