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  1. Naxxramaskid

    New DMF Concert Event

    Was bugged/stuck on US but boss still died about a minute later.
  2. Naxxramaskid

    New DMF Concert Event

    Is the mace transmog accountwide?
  3. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US PVP at 99, 101 or 109

    totally not what you asked for but 60-69 is by far the most balanced / most fun bracket.
  4. Naxxramaskid

    Can you farm the sha of anger mop world boss mount by making a shitload of 100 trial characters?

    Can you farm the sha of anger mop world boss mount by making a shitload of 100 trial characters?
  5. Naxxramaskid

    twinked my char but cannot kill mobs from suramar.

    The Legend of Kazurengan. question-advice-im-new-wow-want-make-some-real-cash. there-way-social-engineering-blizzard-give-you-free-wow-legion-game what-happens-your-main-account-if-your-friend-gets-chargeback got-banned-any-way-get-unban twink-heirlooms lvl-101-twinking-problems...
  6. Naxxramaskid

    885 SFF negotiable on Greymane US

    Thank's for letting me know. I had no idea.
  7. Naxxramaskid

    885 SFF negotiable on Greymane US

    I wouldn't pay a copper for an item without leech or a socket. No offense eh.
  8. Naxxramaskid

    EU LEGEND DROP noice gratz.
  9. Naxxramaskid

    885 SFF negotiable on Greymane US

    Without a socket or leech you will have to settle for ~250k.
  10. Naxxramaskid

    twinked my char but cannot kill mobs from suramar.

    As somebody that sold bmah items / honestly earned gold caps for $$$.. you are in over your head. (with that 101 Suramar idea and in general)
  11. Naxxramaskid

    twinked my char but cannot kill mobs from suramar.

    The plan was somewhat flawed yes =D Also what' SLR?
  12. Naxxramaskid

    twinked my char but cannot kill mobs from suramar.

    Make a melee they miss less but I have no idea why you would want to make a 101 to bot farm (?) mobs in Suramar.
  13. Naxxramaskid

    Needing help twinking my lvl 101 char please

    Well then level a character 1-110 and gather some knowledge and experience about this game. You made a thread here / one at ownedcore / about 15 people tried to help but you don't seem to be any smarter.
  14. Naxxramaskid

    US WTB 107-110 powerleveling paying 200k on stormrage alliance

    add moriat#11566 or invite yogabbagabba-illidan
  15. Naxxramaskid

    Question about the midsummer transmog.

    I've heard that the midsummer festival cosmetic items can only be transmogged during the event and once the event is over all gear with said transmog will be wiped clean. Is that really the case? Also can a level 29 even obtain enough burning blossoms for the whole set?
  16. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Gon and Lost Spectral Gryphon

    @Blackberryy You got a funny way of quoting. Anyway @Winterly flew me to Orgrimmar and then I paid a 110 hunter to camp and click the egg while i was in ghost form or sitting in the corner. (There is a spot behind the building where you can sit/camp and even tame without aggroing guards)
  17. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Frostscythe and Cloaks from Midsummer Dungeon

    Did it on my 60 and 3 out of 5 players got illusion deathfrost lol...
  18. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Gon and Lost Spectral Gryphon

    Tamed both on my 29 twink. Gon was an absolute pain in the ass to camp as low level alliance hunter.
  19. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Artifact de-powered on next xpack?

    My guess would be that they disable it for players level 111 and up. Kinda like hardened-shell that only works against players level 94 and below.
  20. Naxxramaskid

    US Current Faction Balance

    Summer vacation started and your average "stuck at graveyard" member is age 12 or under. (physically and / or mentally) Alliance will dominate for the next 8 weeks.