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  1. Naxxramaskid

    Buying Legion and whatever else?

    Thank's for the tip. Saturday afternoon / 1 hour in queue and still no pop. What a joke. Edit: over 3 hours in queue. Looks like Khan isn't achievable anymore. Maybe in the next xpac when more players come back to the game and everybody has to level.
  2. Naxxramaskid

    Buying Legion and whatever else?

    Do you get gear rewards for queuing a specific battleground? I have to make an alliance 110 and farm 100 wins in Isle of Conquest.
  3. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US How to reliably hide cloth gear on a Demon Hunter?
  4. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 860 relic doesn't seem to be obtainable.

    2 weeks ago somebody made a thread claiming that the 860 relic is tradable. Well I put this theory to the test and it doesn't seem to be the case. I made a group of 10 loot / storm relic eligible 110 players (offering...
  5. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Rate my T-Mog

    Outstanding for a "no gold or rating required" mog.
  6. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!)

    Like I would ever want to hurt your feelings!
  7. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!)

    Pretty awesome. Of course nowadays nobody understands or knows how most juicy that rogue is.
  8. Naxxramaskid

    US Transmoging Gladiator Tabards on your twinks

    No? Unless there was some bug / trick to queue arena.
  9. Naxxramaskid

    LF nelths lair run for my 98 horde mage (US ) add moriat#11566

    LF nelths lair run for my 98 horde mage (US ) add moriat#11566
  10. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US [Updated] Armory List

    @mczizegg Gratz Ersguterschamane
  11. Naxxramaskid

    US Typical Quitting Thread.

    never heard of u...probably because I don't play 19s bye
  12. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US [Updated] Armory List

    You can add my new toon for the sake of having more characters in that somewhat empty arms warrior list but once again it is a pure battleground toon and therefore not very impressive. Arms Warrior Itemlevel 822 Traits 11
  13. Naxxramaskid

    Where did the thread about ilevel 860 world boss relics go? I think Rob started it... Can't find...

    Where did the thread about ilevel 860 world boss relics go? I think Rob started it... Can't find it anymore
  14. Naxxramaskid

    Enchanting the bgs

    well idk about black magic. I got it on my 60 warlock and I don't think I ever saw a proc inside battlegrounds.
  15. Naxxramaskid

    US Shadowmourne!

    I have about 25 shadowmournes on my 2 accounts. Mostly level 85 paladins and death knights. For blood infusion grab a lock (naked aka no gear) and a disc priest. Tell them to sit at the stairs while you tank blood queen until you get the debuff (the disc can pre "shield" you before the pull)...
  16. Naxxramaskid

    US New 101 a couple questions!!

    the rogue from <stuck at graveyard>? I remember that one.
  17. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 29 Arm Warrior tips/tricks?

    Cursor heroic leap / cancels parachute cloak / cancels goblin glider / releases your body if dead #showtooltip Heroic Leap /cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap /cancelaura Parachute /cancelaura Goblin Glider /script RepopMe(); Focus charge / focus interrupt #showtooltip Pummel /use [@focus] Charge /use...
  18. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 101 Class suggestions

    Affliction lock if you want to lose some weight. Thank's to the artifact combat bug you will run 24/7 in every battleground. No need to have mounts on your action bars.
  19. Naxxramaskid

    US New 101 a couple questions!!

    Move to one of the big/full servers and start sniping the auction house via the tradeskillmaster addons. I make about 1 mill per week by sniping 1-3 hours a night.