Search results

  1. List of Tier 3 Toons?

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Rockin the Nine Set @ Mal'Ganis - Guild Roster
  2. Ambassador Title

    Those are only if there are holiday events around. I got a lot of rep from that too. But I also faction changed so that I could get some loot. Sylvannas ring, trailblazer boots, etc.
  3. Ambassador Title

    When you run out of quests to do for Horde. Do every single quest that you can find everywhere, and then change. You need as much spillover rep as possible to finish up Gnomer/Trolls. I started off as Ally, then went horde and back again. By the time I got done with all my ally stuff, I was...
  4. Ambassador Title

    hell yes! be proud of it. It's a hell of a grind. Congrats :)
  5. All 19 Cata Gear - The Only Post You Need

    I don't suppose anyone has seen if the 'of power' greens still contain AP? Like my 10ap wranglers. I'll still pick up the new ones for balance, but will the power greens stay power?
  6. Will new BOA sets ruin twinking?

    I really don't mean to be rude, but all this speculation is feeding soooooooooo many threads about "Will XXXXXX kill twinking?" and "OMGZ TWINKIN IS DED". Twinking is always going to be alive in some fashion or another. Whether you actively participate in BGs or whether you hunt achieves or...
  7. SELLING Scouting Gloves of the Falcon Perfect!

    I don't think I've ever paid more than 8g for some of those. See them on the AH all the time.
  8. WTB Wranglers

    You're killin me! I have all of these in multiples on US servers >.< Someone buy those :P
  9. Hunter weapon in cata?

    BaR! Stam + Crit + slow weap for strikes (high top end)= not too shabby. If not, Massive Battle Axe of Power seems pretty cool, since AP is staying on weapons.
  10. EU WTB Perfect Wranglers 3/3 Eagle and +5 Stam

    So sad that it's EU only :/ I've got 3 sets of Eagle, 2 sets of Monkey, and 2 sets of Stam that I haven't been able to move for weeks and weeks.
  11. US WTB Wrangler's Wristbands of Power (+10)

    How much would you want for them? And no thank you on the gloves, I have a few of those myself :)
  12. Best Races For Each 19 Twink Class

    No dorf love :(
  13. US WTB Wrangler's Wristbands of Power (+10)

    Tried to PM you Sanitarium, but your box is full! I'll take the lot though.
  14. WTT Account For Game Time

    Is the account already bnet merged?
  15. Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

    Ravager! lol10chars
  16. Wts 5 stam bracers

    I've been trying to sell two sets of these that I have for a while now. It seems no one wants them anymore :(
  17. Lvl 60 Death Knight twink

    Better for feral druid than for DK! That might just be because I hate DKs though :P
  18. Achievement points!

    Thanks for all the updates, Secclusion! I think I might be armory-retarded; How do you filter for the top leaders by points + level? Or do you just have a link that you could share that would show us?
  19. Lvl 60 Death Knight twink

    Hand of Rag is for Feral druids! Well, my feral druid has one, anyway :P
  20. US WTB Wrangler's Wristbands of Power (+10)

    /bump need plz. ready to xfer if needed.