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  1. Sadeian

    EU+US Level 70 Warrior PvP

    Oh yea, I get anxious afterwards that I broke it for good. I can say one thing, my Microsoft keyboard is build like a tank.
  2. Sadeian

    EU+US Level 70 Warrior PvP

    Video needs moar bladestorm and obnoxious warrior glyph effects. BTW, I can so sympathize with the moment your kb stopped working. When it happens I throw it against the floor, pick up and assemble all the keys that popped off from the impact and hope that fixed whatever issue it had.
  3. Sadeian


    The stat squish and scaling made expasions worth of gear relatively irrelevant. For some classes and depending on the spec (and your preference between more main stat or more secondary stats) BiS gear is distributed among TBC-WotLK-Cata content. Also the balance I was referring to is the less...
  4. Sadeian


    80s It might not be popular for PvP, but it is the most balanced.
  5. Sadeian

    Whitemend 2pce

    Any update on this?
  6. Sadeian

    PvP Power gems: NERFED

    I tested on my 85 mage, full BiS PvP power setup was notably inferior to regular PvE gear from DS and FL. The tests were discouraging so I didn't bother going through a more nuanced test. It would seem Versatility offers more damage than PvP power and I would assume main stat would be even better.
  7. Sadeian

    PvP Power gems: NERFED

    UPDATE: PvP stats (Power and Resilience) have been nerfed into irrelevance. Back to main stat, boys.
  8. Sadeian

    EU+US 60-69 Gems

    I would not want my arms warrior to have even more burst. Maybe that is why? We will never know.
  9. Sadeian

    PvP Resilience was nerfed?

    PvP Power seems unaffected by this change, this I was able to test on my 60 Mage. On him PvP power is still better than Intelligence.
  10. Sadeian

    PvP Resilience was nerfed?

    The value shown through hidden stat scripts is the same as it was before this hotfix, maybe its not implemented yet?
  11. Sadeian

    EU+US PVP Power

    Values displayed through hidden stat script are the same, but I have yet to test this against someone else (too many ppl doing prepatch)
  12. Sadeian

    Prismatic Elixir needs fixing

    It adds around 11% resilience, while it is quite a bit, nothing that would make someone unkillable.
  13. Sadeian

    EU+US PVP Power

    Almost 40% increased damage against players is hardly what one would call useless.
  14. Sadeian

    69 twink gear farming question.

    That was a Legion system, not sure it works that way right now.
  15. Sadeian

    Best hunter pet?

    Minor Speed stacks on my Survival Hunter at 85, 118% movement speed.
  16. Sadeian

    Any DK twinks around?

    Yup, that is bad. Oddly enough I find myself struggling to do well at 110 on my FDK, maybe I just cant get used to the new pacing. However, besides the odd FDK spamming scythe during breath, I don't see many doing too much damage. Maybe its time to try Blood again? I think they accidentally...
  17. Sadeian

    US Alliance Community for 60s for US

    This thread needs a bump, or a sticky.
  18. Sadeian

    Any DK twinks around?

    My main twink during Legion was a FDK. Pre-patch launches, I assumed everything would be awesome because with normalized stats through templates I melted faces, so with full twink gear I would be unstoppable and I AM. I kill everything left and right, this is how I do it. I start with a lot of...
  19. Sadeian

    Enchants for level 60

    I suggest you take a look at this list from the 70s section, most of it applies to 60s and other brackets. Kudos to @Shinela for the hard work <3
  20. Sadeian

    69 Guradian Druid pvp power stacking

    Maybe they perform well at 39, but Guardian seems to be one of the squishiest tanks at 60s. I think the bracket is just too bursty to allow any kind of tankiness to be effective. (Except for disc priests, blizz thinks its an excellent idea to remove the cooldown from their shields) It could...