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  1. Ogri'la Reputation

    What a shame. Thanks for that!
  2. Ogri'la Reputation

    Is it still possible to get exaulted with Ogri'la on a twink below the 60-70 level range. I know Ioerror was able to get nearly into revered with them however after aome research i cannot figure out how. I am wondering if you can use Apexis shards to summon those group kill mobs and if they...
  3. I Don't Understand..

    Topping hk's and dps is probably a good time to them!..
  4. I Don't Understand..

    People enjoy ganking, tanking, healing etc. What ever the class is they play is going to cater to what they find fun. Look back at the early BC / wotlk rogues, hunters and warlocks. Many still play the same class. Theyve always been a strong class where as others have suffered hits. For example...
  5. I Don't Understand..

    I have played my 10 feral for a long long time. Just by chance they got buffed. You can have fun playing face roll classes and combos but the effect dies off soon enough. For example when entis quenched sword was available i purposely didnt get it on my 19 warrior. Wouldve been fun but he was...
  6. X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    Love the pioneers with nature tabard and shadowfang spauldets. Wish i could enchant my gfd mog on 10! 10/10
  7. EU+US 10s Armory List

    Re: Level 10 twinks Armory List! Sweet hunter mate!
  8. I need help with my xmog!

    Well if you ever do!! Also unbound leggings would look good with the blue / white theme
  9. I need help with my xmog!

    Trogg slayer boots would look awesome with this xmog I like it Flaxxy!
  10. rate my level 10 feral druid!

    What should i do differently?
  11. "False", level 10 resto druid

    Driftwood Club - Item - World of Warcraft Use this as your 1h mog
  12. X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    Healsdrong @ Medivh - Community - World of Warcraft Heres my 10 (19) priest. Not finished and not planning on it yet. Ps. Tabard equipped soz. Laurenti nice monk 8/10. LFH would look so good with that!
  13. If you could have 1 GF'd item, which would you get?

    Damn probably need to buy wod now
  14. If you could have 1 GF'd item, which would you get?

    Omg what is the black AH??? I came back from a break and havent heard of it
  15. "False", level 10 resto druid

    ah lucky! i havent been able to fish old ironjaw yet, awesome twink mate! my 10 druid is my fave also! good choice!
  16. If you could have 1 GF'd item, which would you get?

    for my level 10 i would love this!
  17. X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    I really like your transmog but change wep to driftwood club or something more basic :) 8/10
  18. Challenge for everyone

    No i hate fppov!!
  19. Challenge for everyone

    That would be so much harder!