Just made her two days ago, recently became my favorite twink I have ever made.
False @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
False @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
ah lucky! i havent been able to fish old ironjaw yet, awesome twink mate! my 10 druid is my fave also! good choice!
would say 7/10
Go for pve leather shoulder, leather chest with intellect, loom off-hand , willow boots of intellect or silver embossed boots, DPR or the 1 ring (DPR= Dread pirate ring) , loom trinket , AGM , voice amp neck ! for bis xD
Mog rate = 100/10
Edit: Mog would be 200/10 if u add LFH
Yep I gotta get all of that, too lazy (and too poor) to do it so I'm gonna wait for 6.1 lol. As for the 1 Ring, I plan on doing two faction changes to get another Invoker's. AGM is something I need so bad but it's so hard to do now-a-days >_<
You cant get more than 1 Invokers ring btw
You can get two Slayer's Bands, why couldn't get two Invokers?
You cant get 2x Slayers either, Guanyin is the only one with 2 because of a mistake.
Ah, I must have been mis informed, ty for the info
them HoT's though. one tick is half health for him lol.