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  1. Imbalance

    Horde have pretty much been steam rolling all weekend. Just came out of a game 3-0 where Alliance didn't get one single HK. Saxxon and I were trying for the flag the whole time so didn't really try to get kills and the rest of the team were pretty much pugs. I'd just like to know why Horde...
  2. 19 Twink Mage FC BiS

    This lolten
  3. Spåm Mage 19 (Frost PvP/Draenor) Real Trailer

    When's it gonna come out?
  4. What to record with....?

    I find the inbuild Wowrecorder works just fine. You can choose quality just the same as Vegas Pro or fraps
  5. US AB <1min

    Need 30 players, queue up please!
  6. Tarantula Silk Sash still exist!

    Anyone think this might be useful for a mage?
  7. Frost Mage setup

    Frost mages can do alot of burst with +crit- I have alot of fun with my damage set but ussually go back to my more stamina based gear just because it's more useful for a wsg game. With the Valentines buffs you can be both at once though! ^^
  8. Frost Mage setup

    Got any sweet pet macros for us?
  9. Waw Tawent?

    Wow, can't believe how arrogant Wow Tawent players are
  10. lookin to roll horde with some active players

    The Chosen Few (us) are leveling there twink guild
  11. Frost Mage?

    Btw I think Shatter is much better than and extra 2% crit
  12. Frost Mage?

    This is my frostbolt macro- it helps heaps for those instant lifebloods + extra damage with staff #showtooltip frostbolt /cast Lifeblood /startattack /cast frostbolt /cast [harm][target=pet,exists] Waterbolt
  13. CC Mage - no BoA

    Would really help if there was a decent 19 mage guide
  14. CC Mage - no BoA

    Do you think Blood Ring - Item - World of Warcraft instead of LjR?
  15. CC Mage - no BoA

    Just wondering what might be some plausible gear schemes for a CC mage with no BoAs (I'm working towards them) Here's my gear Drukq @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft I have planned Lucky Fishing Hat, Furbolg Med Pouch + Nightwatch Sword
  16. Arathi Basin Friday 4 February [EU]

    I'll be there
  17. Mage/Priest 2v2 wargames

    This was the best video in a while. Interesting fights- no ego trips
  18. Mage questions

    Can you actually do that?
  19. Mage questions

    Some people have reason's for not having mains
  20. Mage questions

    I get by with Emberstone staff/ No BoAs If you're trying to figure out shaulders Feline Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft is best for both specs. If you want max stam Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders - Item - World of Warcraft - but not really worth it