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  1. Bis xmog and gear

    Sometimes you just want to reach 8/9/0 etc... without adding shit tons of key binds.
  2. 10-19 2015 TC Discussion, Planning, Indiegogo

    I do believe GF'ed have an impact in the game, but it's not worth banning them, also you can't really control the use of them since you can gear swap before combat and stuff :(
  3. Bis xmog and gear

    If it's set on num pad yeah otherwise no. maybe new generations of naga not the first one tho.
  4. BEST of 19

    There is no need to get upset just because you aren't in any lists.
  5. best players world

    EU had some decents games but people are still tryharding on rogues more than on US, facing 7 rogues at some point ghost fight / sap fight in mid isn't fun or competitive for anyone. Rdruid speedpots seal the deal and dedicated twinks went on US.
  6. best players world

    I don't think "competitiveness" is the word for EU bracket.
  7. BEST of 19

    Based from what i've saw both arenas and WSG wise. Priest : Yoonasnsd Druid Resto : Inevitabull and his rerolls (Idiott / Idiote etc...) / Blackmormon (i'm not sure if it's a reroll of Idiote since he play way less aggressive) Druid Moonkin : Naturexo and rerolls Druid Guardian : Nothing...
  8. Bis xmog and gear

    People didn't get my point, his binds are fine but people who lack of binds will claim that they have a razer naga to defend themselves that's what i'm talking about.
  9. Skirmish 2v2 tournament.

    Yes man, what's wrong with you ?
  10. Skill Ratio/pugs/venting

    No i play from Madagascar.
  11. Skirmish 2v2 tournament.

    If you don't do some class / specs restrictions it's gonna end up in a shit experience for all of the players.
  12. EU+US To the WSG Lovers in the 10-19 Bracket

    Some new jumps might appear :D
  13. Skill Ratio/pugs/venting

    I'm not even EU man, i do play US realms from another country.
  14. Skirmish 2v2 tournament.

    Well Caster / melee / Healer no feral / Warrior comp then ?
  15. Skill Ratio/pugs/venting

    I don't know how AFKing out of games hurt more than someone in the actual glutch but not playing the game or barely being useful... I mean seriously there is shit ton of people who are waiting for a game in orgrimmar AFKing out of the glutch is a good thing for people who waited that long to...
  16. Bis xmog and gear

    Well it doesn't matter now since people who S key will claim they have a Razer naga.
  17. ??The new BIS hunter build??

    Can someone enlight me why he got more auto shots sometimes for the same amount of time spend on the target dummy ? Multi strike or what ?
  18. My Opinions On Queing Each Class

    U just got ferelled
  19. US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    You look nice mate :)
  20. Veteran Accounts can safely do War Games

    That's a good news for wargames whores :)