Great job testing this.
If someone could figure out the following it would be a great help to the entire community. Currently when people queue wargames via btag they end up doing random bg's and it seems the % of time you get wsg is very low....we've all experienced 25 straight times of getting eos/ab before wsg pops. The command for that is /wg groupleadername. Now, you can add to that with /wg groupleadername [battleground] and get WSG specific BUT that means you end up with tournament rules on (so you're naked at 19 - literally. My heals healed for 20% of what they normally do). This is why we had tournament rules on - not because we only had 5. I've seen it with 10v10 before.
Here's where we need help - the full option of commands is /wg groupleadername [arena or battleground] [tournamentrules]. Nobody that I've talked to knows the syntax of the tournament rules command. I've tried "off" but that doesn't work (command is invalid). So if we can figure that out we can bypass the random stuff (which defaults to tournament rules off) and go straight to wsg with tournament rules off - making all of our lives much easier.
Yes I'm aware that we can have 19's meet in Dalaran and use some jacked up mechanism to dual and queue while hitting each other (if not clustered together), or meet in ratchet and hope no high level kills you...etc. Figuring this out will mean nobody needs to go through those gyrations and can just queue.
This is a very annoying and tiresome problem when queueing 5v5-10-10 WSG while on different realms/factions. There is a simple and a more complicated solution. I will explain the simple one first. As you might be aware there is an add-on used to spectate war games, one that I encouraged Myrm to use for the Twink Cup. This add-on, to my surprise allows you to send war game requests specific to warsong gulch, via a 3rd party sent to each team leader over Btag. The person can then spectate the game, but the point is, it is 100% warsong every time.
The other option is one that me and my friends are very familiar with after queueing cross realm war games before Btag war game requests were available in the game. This isn't really difficult once you get the hang of it, but it is tedious in a way.
Step One: You need to have a Death Knight or a character higher than level 19 (doesn't need to be logged on) to phase your group to Bleeding Hollow(for example).
ps: if you have someone in your group from bleeding hollow this works the same way but the high level character will no longer be required.
(You need to have one person from each group leader meet in Dalaran Sewers.)
Step Two: As you may be aware, being in combat restricts you from phasing to another realm. So what you do if you require having a higher level from BH in the group, you have the person in Dalaran duel the opposing group leader and start a duel. During this duel they will have to be in combat, so you need to start auto attacking the other person or something similar (if you kill them, it won't work). Whilst in combat you kick the DK or higher level character from the group, and if done like I said you will not phase. you then send the war game request for warsong gulch and presto! You have completed the task at hand.
(If you have someone on BH you do it the same way except this time, the person from BH needs to be out of the group until they are dueling and in combat. They would then get invited, made group leader, and send the request the other leader.)
Long story short I think you can tell which is the easier way, just thought I'd cover every angle.