Search results

  1. Ado

    Frost Mage PvP Music? :^)
  2. Ado

    Would've been better

    Russians would benefit from this :p
  3. Ado

    Who do you like/respect most in this bracket?

    You forgot me, r00d.
  4. Ado

    Who do you like/respect most in this bracket?

    Vanillamilk for being a great fc and always trying and amazing gm Lucieon for camping destroluck in premades Bacon for the troll he is Destroluck for being nice Geeraa for being nicer Jayhough ALWAYS up for games Every person who plays spriest/feral/bm
  5. Ado

    Where would you be without wow?

    Would probably be a garbage man, since I carry trash everyday whether it be wow or any other game. ;)
  6. Ado

    F2P PvP Music #2 this is the best, especially if you're trying to pull off all nighters.
  7. Ado

    Gurubashi Surf Club - Ravencrest - Alliance

    Rhaen +1 Looking forward to how GSC would turnout with you in charge.
  8. Ado

    TCG Giveaway

  9. Ado

    BIS enchants (29)

    What about Enchant Gloves - Crusher? It gives 6 ap.
  10. Ado


    Best thing about queuing into SPC is i can afk and do more productive work while they farm. There is nothing else good about them though.
  11. Ado

    The Healing Book - Secrets from Another Dimension

    +1 because of the 420k healing, would re read 9/11.
  12. Ado

    Let's que up.

    Nope it means u r noob. Jk It means Man or it could also mean the currency for KSA or UAE.
  13. Ado

    <Gurubashi Surf Club> - Ravencrest - Alliance

    Can I join? Even if i didn't get bc approved? :>
  14. Ado

    20-29 in WoD, will people go from 24 to 29?

    I would definitely level up another char 29, since there might be a chance blizzard will revert it back to 20-24 25-29.
  15. Ado

    Dead revive dead revive

    You quack alot.
  16. Ado

    Dead revive dead revive

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ameno ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  17. Ado

    Help > (A) Fire Watchers Oath

    I believe it's been changed to 100 timeless coins. So if you just have a 90 to kill mobs you can get coins.