It has occurred that there is horde members in a particular guild ( which is not TL ) that are trying to be TL. They contain use emoticons skype 8 mans etc no hate meant to TL.
You guys complain " ugh alliance doesn't step up " no challenge " why don't you try to balance games and come alliance why play this bracket if you want to stomp. I got a BG ( unfortunately no SS ) it had 8 randoms + me and Jva. Like this bracket is heading down hill if you want to keep it alive for a few more months old alliance come online / faction change coz quite frankly I'm getting fed up of bads thinking that they're good ( inb4 joke coz I'm bad or I cry too much or tl fanboy ) no wonder so many quit you're all pushing them towards it like seriously. So anyway let me get to the point
* old alliance log
* faction alliance
* re roll alliance
In order to save bracket coz most are just horde to lick TL's arse and to tab dot till 200k damage. It's a disgrace. Have a bit of common sense if you want fun pugs
Sound guys was feeling a bit heated when I wrote thisv
It has occurred that there is horde members in a particular guild ( which is not TL ) that are trying to be TL. They contain use emoticons skype 8 mans etc no hate meant to TL.
You guys complain " ugh alliance doesn't step up " no challenge " why don't you try to balance games and come alliance why play this bracket if you want to stomp. I got a BG ( unfortunately no SS ) it had 8 randoms + me and Jva. Like this bracket is heading down hill if you want to keep it alive for a few more months old alliance come online / faction change coz quite frankly I'm getting fed up of bads thinking that they're good ( inb4 joke coz I'm bad or I cry too much or tl fanboy ) no wonder so many quit you're all pushing them towards it like seriously. So anyway let me get to the point
* old alliance log
* faction alliance
* re roll alliance
In order to save bracket coz most are just horde to lick TL's arse and to tab dot till 200k damage. It's a disgrace. Have a bit of common sense if you want fun pugs
Sound guys was feeling a bit heated when I wrote thisv