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  1. US Why choose the 70-79's?

    Do we know yet which slots can be 314? This may be the most meaningless or meaningful question at this point. At worst, Ilevel only matters for 4 more months and you’ve wasted money and/or brain power even being curious about the new possible BIS. Best case scenario you increase your average...
  2. US Why choose the 70-79's?

    My warrior is prot and regularly take on 3 people from full health. I really only die if they have a lot of stuns or if there are more than 3 focusing me. 1 on 1 my health barely budges because they never break my ignore pain. It’s kinda stupid.
  3. US Why choose the 70-79's?

    I still have my 78 DK with 304 Ilvl that I used to compare 78 to 79 instance pvp stats. I didn't want to level it because the gear is GF'd, but I also had no use for it because I like my 79 DK better. I might consider transferring the 78. Problem is the disparity in gear in this bracket is...
  4. 99 tanks

    Warrior has some stupid amounts of durability as well, just don’t bother to put your artifact ability on your bar lol. I’d wait to see how pallys change in the future before making one. As someone who has always loved prot and holy pallys, I can’t see playing anything other than ret currently...
  5. The Mystery of the Fish Feast

    The recipe includes no oranges. They’re the other fish in the recipe. The orange color and shape is due to the effect of the spices. The spices do weird things to fish.
  6. EU New Farmspots 7.3?

    That you can’t keep up with the respawn rate isn’t a good argument for how fast it is. In fact quite the opposite. At any rate, I’ve found other melee mob areas where I can kill many at a time much faster and loot a bunch at once much better than the imps. Different folks for different strokes.
  7. EU+US Joining bracket

    Only if people still have them in the form of BOEs. What was gained before the last patch is grandfathered as the 308s and 283s and whatnot. But essentially, yeah, you’re outta luck. Highest level stuff is 187 now, I think.
  8. EU New Farmspots 7.3?

    The problem isn’t killing them, the problem is it’s horribly slow and boring to to kill a few, loot a few, kill a few, loot a few, etc. It may be the best option, but I’m going to look around for an area of densely packed mobs I can round up easily. Perhaps murlocs will serve this purpose.
  9. EU New Farmspots 7.3?

    Are there areas where there are more dense mobs? I’m new to legion in general so I’m still learning the zones. But even if they’re stronger than imps, I’m fine with that. On my prot warrior, I’d much prefer to grab like 10-15 mobs at a time, but imps stay spread out and die in about 2 or 3 gcds...
  10. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Strange, earlier I replied that at one point I had 11K health and that was definitely the case in one of my BGs as tank, but doesn't seem that's the case anymore and I'm not sure what I'm missing. This quote may be more right than I thought. Heck, I'm probably wrong about stats not changing in...
  11. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Hey that's neat. I hardly ever go out of my way for fashion's sake though. As for the gear, I can change the gear after joining but the stats don't change is what I meant. Went in with my pve tank set just to be short a couple thousand health in pvp because it wasn't all plate. Oops. Changing...
  12. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    So I like that I can queue multiple roles, but it's annoying that I'll often get WSG with no tank and I'm not a tank. It sure would be nice to change gear/spec before the BG starts. Also I have to remember to swap PvE/WPvP to my BG gear before I join the queue otherwise I'm screwed. May try...
  13. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    The difference was between having ~9K or ~11K HP in prot spec. Significant enough for me
  14. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Thanks for the responses. Is the difference between 20 and 29 not that large? Seems like there would be quite the imbalance between the two.
  15. EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Hello, in a moment of boredom I started looking into WoW again and saw via this site that twinking is still active and that exp off also participate in exp on bgs now. Granted there is much more equality between geared and ungeared compared to before. As I researched I learned how the item level...