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  1. Yung Flurry

    EU Boost trade?

    The 110 gets a level 60 drop and i get a drop for my level (39) Ive done like 4 runs and the 110 got the dagger twice in a row, so i'm guessing it's still pretty common.
  2. Yung Flurry

    EU Boost trade?

    Well no problem then ;)
  3. Yung Flurry

    EU Boost trade?

    Woops - We can do some runs later if it is! Be prepared to run though considering i got no 2 seat flying xd
  4. Yung Flurry

    EU Boost trade?

    Damn, that's unfortunate :/
  5. Yung Flurry

    It's time to set rules

    10 healers, they do more damage than dps specs anyways so why not
  6. Yung Flurry

    EU Boost trade?

    I need princess runs for the dagger, i would love to trade some boost for boosts if anyone is possibly up. EU Horde :)
  7. Yung Flurry

    EU [Dreanor - Horde] WTS LIST

    Level 36 towers?
  8. Yung Flurry

    EU Looking for Group - Random BGs

    Threw you an add you can accept when you get back - have fun at work xd
  9. Yung Flurry

    EU Looking for Group - Random BGs

    Not on my comp rn but you can add me at Budaerdejlig#2184, we can do some BGs would love a disc to queue with me :]
  10. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Ahh gotcha
  11. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Also wondering, whats the reasoning of using heirloom shoulders instead of ilvl 44 ones with heavy knothide +5 stam enchant?
  12. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Eh probs just gonna go with agi then, i only got like 3200 hp atm. Might be because im not using heirloom trinkets and such, would you mind linking me the armor of your rogue? Some inspiration would be nice :)
  13. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Same with stam in bracers?
  14. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    So I should swap out AP on hands for +15 stam?
  15. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Anyone knows if darkmoon faire card trinkets are level 60 only, or if they scale? Kinda curious
  16. Yung Flurry

    EU+US 49 warrior in prepatch as of now.

    Hell yeah brother, thanks!
  17. Yung Flurry

    EU+US 49 warrior in prepatch as of now.

    S Sorry to jack the thread, but what is that +7 stamina enchant in ur shoulders? Where'd you get it?
  18. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Gonna look for some boosts in there then - Thanks! (I just got 300 alchemy for fuckall lmao)
  19. Yung Flurry

    EU+US what do you think of the Frag Belt?

    Too bad you can't kill anything in 10 seconds as a paladin LOL
  20. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Does it scale down to 39? I can't find anything about it online.