Search results

  1. Inkobah

    WTT Mindthirst Bracers for shadowfang! :D

    You answered it correctly....10k is ridiculously easy to come by these days. Look at the Undermine Journal stats on this and you'll see that it's super rare and is BiS for cloth wearers so yeah....10k is easily a good value for these. -Ink
  2. Inkobah

    WTT Mindthirst Bracers for shadowfang! :D

    They used to drop more...I used to see them a lot too but now they're hard to come by. -Ink
  3. Inkobah

    WTT Mindthirst Bracers for shadowfang! :D

    Mindthrust are worth 10k max...SF upwards of 50k+. I'm sure you can find people to trade Mindthrust + gold for SF but if you expect to trade 1 for 1 or even 2 for 1 you'll be looking for a very very long time. -Ink
  4. Inkobah

    Price Check Shortsword of Vengeance

    Maybe up to 100g. No demand for it in any bracket. -Ink
  5. Inkobah

    [US] WTS Blade of Wizardry

    Opinion based argument is still opinion. GL w/ sale OP. You'll be able to get what you're asking for...just be patient and keep posting it in your AH (for more than your really want I might add). -Ink
  6. Inkobah

    PC-Brawler gloves

    5-10k based on the fact that leather wearer 24s want them so bad and their rarity. -Ink
  7. Inkobah

    [US] WTS Blade of Wizardry

    These are similar but not the exact same: 1. Very Light Sabre 2. Spellfire Longsword 3. Electrified Blade Only ones red are Teebu's and this sword. -Ink
  8. Inkobah

    [US] WTS Blade of Wizardry

    When is Ink ever wrong about items? Anyways, it is the only other sword to have the same model as Teebu's (which will go for significantly more than this) but it will still be very highly sought out in 4.3 with transmog. -Ink
  9. Inkobah

    [US] WTS Blade of Wizardry

    This is one of the items that has a sharp demand inc. If you got it, don't let it go for cheap. GL w/ the sale. -Ink
  10. Inkobah

    After 1181 runs. . it finally happened!

    Nobody likes a Debby Downer. Your posts have been deleted because you are trying hard to: 1. Make yourself sound smart. 2. Trivialize what others have done. 3. Dispute facts when you clearly don't understand the facts. You don't have to get on the congrats bandwagon...but you do have to...
  11. Inkobah

    After 1181 runs. . it finally happened!

    Grats to the OP. Also a bit of advice: Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Now back to talking about the ungodly amount of runs it took Ooch to get this... -Ink
  12. Inkobah

    PC Blackvenom Blade

    It does not drop anymore. I disagree with people that say it's BiS for 24 rogues though (so I factor that in to my assessment guess). Having said that I think this thing could be worth ~5000g. -Ink
  13. Inkobah

    Community Leaders

    Yes we would like to hear suggestions. But send them to Kore. -Ink
  14. Inkobah

    Shadowfang CAN still drop-Fact and here is why...

    This isn't new info. And with Blizz being dodgy about DRs and the lack of them on US Auction Houses it just might not drop. If you're basing your info (or anyone for that matter) on what a GM tells you, you just might be wrong (because they're wrong a lot). -Ink
  15. Inkobah

    Stupid Question maybe... but...

    Not at all stupid...I think the F2P community would be very happy to have you as a 20 P2P player. And as Eliot pointed out, you can help with parties, group queues, communication, etc. -Ink
  16. Inkobah

    Ok Pizza.

    Then take it up with him in PMs. @ threads are against the CoC here. -Ink
  17. Inkobah

    Community Leaders

    A certain guy had a certain philosophy on how to run a WoW niche website and he created Twink Info with that philosophy in mind. While he was not perfect (he'd say so himself) he was able to create the most successful WoW twinking site in the world. There's certainly a lot to consider here and...
  18. Inkobah

    SWTOR Beta Keys

    Thanks for the heads up Painaid. I just signed up. -Ink P.S. Thanks for stealing my name whoever signed up as Inkobah first.
  19. Inkobah

    WTS PoD & Stat Lenses

    BiS, no...viable, yes. Sani is also right that it is very rare...about the only item that I've seen that is rarer is The Jackhammer. -Ink
  20. Inkobah

    WTB/WTTF : [Spellshock Legs] [Miners Hat] [PoD] {US PVP} {List of trades inside}

    Please check the date before posting. This is the third thread you necro'ed. I won't be as kind next time. -Ink