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  1. Inkobah

    Price check on Doomspike?

    It's a niche item but it's still super rare. I'm a bit out of touch with pricings (as I just came back from 7 months away) so take this with a grain of salt. But I'd put the value at about 5k as long as you find the right buyer. -Ink
  2. Inkobah

    Heirloom legs

    That makes sense. But I do not like that for new twinks it could make the entry to twinking harder. For instance, I just started a new account. For me as a fresh account it takes significantly more effort to get all BoAs than if I just join a guild and get help gearing, etc. I realize it...
  3. Inkobah

    Heirloom legs

    I get that. My gripe is more at the purpose of BoA's that Blizz has settled on. I like BoA's for lvling but it takes some of the fun out of twinking imo ("Let me just send my gear over to my lvl 19 I just leveled and he'll be a twink"). -Ink P.S. I like the avatar switch. :)
  4. Inkobah

    Heirloom legs only requires Honored. This will be easier to get than a lot of you people are making it out to be. Still, I hate that BoA's are better than Blues in nearly every case. I know there's a lot of talk about the role of BoA's but I think they should be to boost you in lvling and not the...
  5. Inkobah

    What is the most gold you sold xmogging item for?

    Wasn't during the mogging era but I sold a Teebu's for 175k about a year and a half ago. Most expensive single item I've sold. I figured I'd share because the person bought it for the same reason that a mogger would. -Ink
  6. Inkobah

    Any plans for the summer?

    Headed to LA in a few weeks and then camping for a week at the end of July. Gonna be long as wildfires don't mess up the latter. -Ink
  7. Inkobah

    LF People w/ Beta Access

    As the title says I'm looking to get in touch with people with Beta access that are checking out twink-related changes or would be willing to do so. Want to find out some info. Thanks. -Ink
  8. Inkobah

    LF Old School Twinks

    Hey Sanitarium. Long time no see man. I think the last time we talked was right after I banned you. :P Hope you're well man. Comicus was the founder of Pwndepot. Good to see some old schoolers about still. -Ink
  9. Inkobah


    Didn't you get sent to camp last summer too? I remember a thread just like this last year. Well enjoy man. -Ink
  10. Inkobah

    Laptop Help?

    Did you change the router at all or did you experience any type of electrical surge? Tried a power cycle of your modem and router? -Ink
  11. Inkobah

    WTS Goblin Screwdriver US

    That didn't take long. ;) GLWS though. -Ink
  12. Inkobah

    Twink Info -- Cost Analysis

    It's definitely not accurate. TI is worth no where near $45k...actually I doubt it's worth $6k from the numbers I've seen. Daman was real good at making things look better than reality. -Ink
  13. Inkobah

    LF Old School Twinks

    It seems the number of people who can relate is dwindling by the And yes I've been feeling nostalgic for a while. :) Guess I'm tired of the petty stuff and the overrunning of twink-dom by unruly kids. They've always been around but things have changed a lot with their behavior...
  14. Inkobah

    LF Old School Twinks

    LF old school people that: Remember twinking on certain BGs or even server-wide Got into twinking to avoid the end game carrot-on-a-stick Remember farming for items like SFBM, PoD, AB, Vendetta, Spellshocks, etc Remember the community of the old days Know who Comicus is Know who Drayner is Were...
  15. Inkobah

    TI hottest topic!

    Where's Drayner when you need him? It's threads like these when we all need Drayner to remind us that this isn't a democracy. I know everyone wants to know the reason for what happened but making these threads don't help you. If you really want to know then ask the people involved...if they...
  16. Inkobah

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    Yes that's a typical comeback for a middle school boy. I saw you're "quitting". Why not stick around and try to become CL? You wouldn't be the first staff member with a long-standing history of infractions/bans so don't let that discourage you. -Ink P.S. How many accounts do you need here...
  17. Inkobah

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    1. It's funny that you typed "WoW" when you really meant "wow". I do the same's a habit. :) 2. You're right. Things are off. I've tried to communicate that but it's fallen on deaf ears. 3. There's a lot more people than you may realize that share your feelings. -Ink
  18. Inkobah

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    I'm not a Pizza hater but it's good to hear from you that this isn't some ploy to make Pizza look like he doesn't have powers but secretly he does. Daman tried that once with Sanitarium and it didn't go over too well. -Ink P.S. It may be an error, but it's not graphical. That's not how...
  19. Inkobah

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    I'm really not in a position to have a good opinion as I've been away from WoW since November and I don't stay up with 19s enough currently. But I would guess there's quality people out's just a matter of looking beyond big names and seeing the people who genuinely want twinking to...
  20. Inkobah

    Who would be a good leader for the 19 tinks? *with descriptions*

    Dori, the flaw in all of this is that you assume that the best leaders are well-known people in the community. No offense to anyone in particular but the reason nearly all of them are well known is because they are self-promoters and the last thing the twink community needs is someone that is a...