Search results

  1. [H] Herald of the Titans

    Anyone up for a herald of the titans run? If so, /w me in-game @ Increa - Ragnaros or reply to the thread. My armory: Increa @ Ragnaros - Community - World of Warcraft (Might not be logged out in herald gear)
  2. [SELLING MAIN ACCOUNT] 11 90's, many special items and unobtainable achievements

    Hi, i'm selling my main account ive been plying for a very long time. I sadly have to quit the game due to college and I will no longer have time to play it at all. It has: - 11 level 90 characters, which are all different classes, all pretty geared / some current BiS (PvP) and some geared...
  3. Lvl 70 vs Lvl 19 twinking?

    2 entirely different brackets. 19 is more about how to use your environment and teamplay and 70 is more about how to play your class better. Can't compare that to each other. If you prefer a nice community and playing with a team and needing a team to play well go 19, if you want to get better...
  4. Herald of the Titans (Alliance)

    Any Herald of the Titans groups going? if not I'll start my own soon. Will edit post. B-tag in signature.
  5. [85]Best class in the bracket?

    Which class performs the best in the 85-89 bracket? And by the best class I don't mean "1 shot " classes I mean, which class fits in the most comps Which class has a high skill cap Which class does well in pve Which class does well in solo pvp (bgs, duels, wpvp and such)
  6. [85] Prot warriors in PvP

    So, I've had these countless people telling me to get my ass back to warriors (as its been my main class forever) saying prot warriors are extremely OP. So I have this 85 twink in reasonable gear and I wanted to ask how prot warriors are in the 85 bracket, as in damage, as survivabillity...
  7. Meat 3

    Yeah, but what people tend to do is use dubstep a lot, personally I like dubstep but its one of the genres that does not so well in WoW PvP vids imo. I made a playlist with pvp music (ish) where I avoid it a little bit, give it a go. The reason dubstep wont work is because its really hard to...
  8. Meat 3

    Liked it, but next time please more original music. Not trolling, just sayin'.
  9. DeathKnights

  10. So...

    so all we can hope for is that blizzard buffs battle fatigue to like 65% or even higher untill you reach level 85?
  11. So...

    Ye thanks loads, going for a rogue. I guess a mix between agil and pvp power will do the trick? as rogues dont really need to stack resil due the amount of defensive cds they have? And I play on EU-Sylvanas Alliance. B-tag is lolqt#2983 if you feel like carrying me in bgs when I ding 70 <3
  12. So...

    Hi, I quit the game a few months ago and sold my account due college and IRL shit I found myself having free time again and I would like to play this game again, now I dont have the time to play a level 90 well so I thought 'hey lets twink a char at 70' Now I have not played MoP at all and...
  13. What class/spec can do the highest crit.

    title says it all.
  14. Legendary staff VS. MoP Blue staff

    Guess ill get both and test it out, personally I think legendary staff will do a little bit better.
  15. Legendary staff VS. MoP Blue staff

    So, got my lock to 85, considering keep it that way, so what is better? Dragonwrath was so good in cata that people used it over Tier 2 pvp weapons and even HC DS weapons, so, how big is the difference between the MoP blue staff?
  16. Any good pve guilds?

    Yeah, im looking for some pve, perhaps 10 man sunwell runs? to make it interesting?
  17. How good is this bracket? (Or how bad)

    Rather dissapointing, was looking forward to rolling a monk now but it seems like its not worth it
  18. How good is this bracket? (Or how bad)

    So, havent played much on my twinks since Cata, how is this bracket right now? Is it better then it was in Cata or worse? And what are the classes to look out for? I personally play a warrior @ 70 and a shadow priest Also could you rate the bracket 1-10?
  19. Linguster&Alonski 1 - Rouge PoV

    Calm down with the trolling wow, he never claimed to be the best rogue?
  20. EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

    Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread please fix - YouTube Second boss, not a actual kill but its doable. No sound so put your on music on.