How good is this bracket? (Or how bad)


So, havent played much on my twinks since Cata, how is this bracket right now? Is it better then it was in Cata or worse?

And what are the classes to look out for? I personally play a warrior @ 70 and a shadow priest

Also could you rate the bracket 1-10?
Right now? With 80% resil healers and Pal prots and Spriests?

2/10 if you're not one of them, 10/10 if you are.

Objectively i give it a solid 6. Can have some cool battles (only in EotS though), but fotm stacking destroyed it. 40min queue tonight as horde. There was 3 dps classes in the other team. Rest: priests, druids, shams, palas all full resil. Gets old quickly
That's my own opinion. Bracket is broken. 8/10 are hybrid class and 3/4 of them are healers resi stacked. If an healer know how to play, with 80%+ dmg reduction, is not killable. It's possible only if there're 3+ good dps on him that are able to chain cc/stun. I played ONLY in this bracket since wotlk but atm this bracket is shit
yeah.. quite sad that you can't roll your face on keyboard any longer in BGs :<
Its broken, hybrid classes and healers are way over the top
If im completely honest... bracket is dogshit, hybrid fotm rollers and healers making it not fun for anyone that isn't a one of them.
All i see if suckers rolling prot pala / prot pala, sp / sp, sp / prot pala, prot pala / rsham, sp / rsham to try and actually suceed at something finnaly in there life.
I'd give the bracket a solid 3/10 atm simply because of the fotm rollers thinking there some next level shit but really there just another mongo rolling something op.
edit: some of these noobs actually lose as these comps..
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I can't belive i say cata was better, only is 70s tho :( miss 70 warr was so much fun dueling ryan xD
It's quite sad how not funny it is i nthe 70s now , when I had so many 70 twinks who I enjoyed playing...
So wait... what about Sunwell geared PVE rogues?

IKIK I have no idea what to do with my rogue but I can tell you I'll never level it and I do miss playing it.

80's in no substitute.

I have an 80 Cata geared/409 lock and it's DPS is beast while I'm gearing for Herald of the Titans. I did a BG and ran into 420 iLVL players (Overall armory gear score with 442 items.) 84 with 177k so really, it's no substitute.

The stupid thing about 80-84 is that it's entirely reliant on auction house cruising and boatloads and I mean boatloads of cash. I safely estimate it would cost upwards of 70k to make a geared 84 and a ton of luck on even being able to find the items.
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The stupid thing about 80-84 is that it's entirely reliant on auction house cruising and boatloads and I mean boatloads of cash. I safely estimate it would cost upwards of 70k to make a geared 84 and a ton of luck on even being able to find the items.

Maybe its my inner soda-masochist speaking here but part of the fun of twinking for me if the long climb of slowly building a character up from scratch, slowing getting each ball tingly rare item one by one, spending ridiculous amounts of gold on gear, trade skills, instance runs. I respect other twinks that have put that same amount of time and thought into their characters, every gear slot, every enchant and gem. A full regalia twink of any bracket is something to behold.

Shame on any of you f*ckers for leveling your twink, even if you don't play it, shame on you.
Oh Vase I'm with you 100%.

I was in awe of the guy in terms of just how much money he had to have spent making a BIS 84 demon lock. Doing the professions as well again, mad props.

After building 5 70's in Cata, 2 49's & 2 39's during BC I am fully appreciative of building the perfect twink. I don't hate on the player, ever. It's just that XP off did take a lot of romance out of the concept of twinking to me. There was much more pride on my part having all the instance gear in the bag when dinging x9 and planning your gear runs by the second you could zone in so you never ran up against an XP barrier than farming raids week in and week out knowing if it dropped, it was yours. Same thing with people who could find others to help them gather professions to 450 at low levels.

That being said an AH only character, to me, isn't a twink. It's a gold sink. That's what 80-84 is, the biggest twink gold sink of all time. Not only that with BG ques in the neighborhood of 25+ minutes one that would be hard for me to want to invest 50-100k G in.

What kills me about twinking and now looking at Cata 70's as a gone glorious era is that as much as we are/were maligned, hated on, made fun of by players and Blizzard someone will invest 10's of thousands of gold regardless of level, for however brief a period of time to get that burning rush of being the absolute beast, unstoppable juggernaut if only for a few days.

Lets face it guys when we could get AV runs at 70? You knew the bracket was alive and thriving. To get that many people interested in putting in the effort that 80 would que at any given time says a lot about how dedicated this segment of gamers is. Like moths to a flame we all seek out "Active bracket" and will be there in a NYC minute if there are matches.
Putting it that way does seem more of a gold sink than a real twinking project, I've never made an 80 twink so I'm unaware of the protocol of gearing up for that bracket, I suppose if gold is nothing to you its ok but for me, I have about 70k and its the most I've accumulated at one time!

I miss the 49 bracket before the great XP pause sh*t storm that put a stinky negative right though the whole twinking community, the amount of runs I did in Sunken Temple to get that damn ONE blue item from the mini bosses. Not to mention how many runs of ZF I did hoping for the Spellshock Leggings, probably one of the most rare items in the whole game. I made around 40k in gold just selling the cloth from running that instance, to give a rough idea of how many times I cleared the whole dungeon, damn random mob drop.

I see now the drop rate has increased tenfold on the cloth legs, it used to be 0.1% drop rate on all mobs inside, disgusting!
Not to mention how many runs of ZF I did hoping for the Spellshock Leggings, probably one of the most rare items in the whole game. I made around 40k in gold just selling the cloth from running that instance, to give a rough idea of how many times I cleared the whole dungeon, damn random mob drop.

I see now the drop rate has increased tenfold on the cloth legs, it used to be 0.1% drop rate on all mobs inside, disgusting!

It makes me cry and a bit sad to know I have 2 of them but got both during Cata. One is on my 49 bank alt lock, the other is sitting forever unequipped in said guild bank. Breaks my heart to know just how inferior they are now to BOA pants which are seemingly always BIS leveling short of anything you can stick gems in.
Rather dissapointing, was looking forward to rolling a monk now but it seems like its not worth it

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