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  1. US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    The only downside of having 4 healer limit and rdruid counting as a healer, still excluded from the stealthy limit, is when you want to pull a classic muskie 2 rdruid 2 rogue you can't because it won't be as viable, or maybe it will be who knows.
  2. US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    I agree, should count as a healer and bump the healer limit back up to 4.
  3. US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    Any later date will make the twink cup occur in 8.2 and hence have the possibility to change meta, meaning might as well push it back months
  4. US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    Please over two days please, I can't be waking up at midnight and then it going overtime until 9pm the next day just to watch it live and maybe even see if i can get to commentate Grandfathered enchants and healing reduction pets should be added to the ban list, they aren't obtainable anymore...
  5. US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    I can see how limiting healers to 3 can improve the pace of the game from 0-0 games and 1-0 games to more faster games because you have less healers to rely on so it comes down to more skill which I would assume the intent would be. Which tbh I like, but I don't know if that will lead to teams...
  6. US Rshaman LFGuild

    One has already been created, its called Christianity. They call me Jesus for some reason, I prefer Fancy.
  7. About These Queue Times...

    Sadly, as the bracket ages many don't have time to queue at the peak times anymore, hence the slow decline of the bracket, while when it was for retards who liked farming lvler's have moved to the less competitive scene lvl 20s. Although the addition of xpoff brackets being separate has made the...
  8. US Rshaman LFGuild

    Based of your idiocy and your lack of skill, doubtful.
  9. US Rshaman LFGuild

    Leave the idiots being idiots no need to inform them. Once they are bad, and they don't atone for it, they always will be. Because you are.
  10. BiS Rogue/Hunter/Warr? with GF'ed Gear.

    legit none of them have anything amazingly worth bar agm Might as well make new toons for epic weapons
  11. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    No, Noodle arms and dan is a slow motherfuker can't be engaging mid if he's behind.
  12. 2019 TC

    Very good chance it does not happen.
  13. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Still waiting for more questions, I need things to do, I'm answering any and all 19 twink related questions, and yet no one has asked about premades whatsoever. I expect better.
  14. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    I just have an exam in 6 hours and been busy so lets get to it. Mage, you have 2 insane ccs, poly and ofc nova, so how do you applies these on a well positioned healer? Well it's obvious, you have 2 options, the fun way, blink in/racial in/pop out of meld/worgen sprint for deep positioning and...
  15. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    This isn't mvqs AMA, but I can confirm from multiple sources that they have found it uncomfortable when attempting those regions of intercourse.
  16. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    A lot like a warrior, you can do some sneaky stuff, but because you have this amazing heal and CC, you can easily have more of an impact. If used correctly you can easily solo heal middle in some cases, a lot like a boomkin your healing is insane, with your CC to easily pick someone who has...
  17. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Shadowpreist, you are a disc that uses power word sheild at the right time. Disc, you powerword sheild at the right time and then you'd chuck a penance into flash heal to keep them alive. Holy preist react quick af and use serenity to last second top them. If you are ever able to preheal...
  18. EU+US Mvq AMA

    How long until the debut of the MVQ TC team?
  19. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    You're by far best best class to pick anyone off, in an offense defense situation, or even a mid fight, you can pick when you want to be in stealth, when you want to open mid, when you want to pressure fc, when you want to go for the repick because your fc is dying. In premades you are the...
  20. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Would def have to be mage, nova and poly, the 2 strongest ccs at lvl 19 currently.