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  1. Roadwarrior

    Weapon Swap Macro Help

    I tried that before but I always get "you are too busy to do that" after I swap once... do you have the exact code?
  2. Roadwarrior

    Weapon Swap Macro Help

    I thought you could get 5 procs of crusader occasionally?... whatever works tho. What happens with the macro tho if you have multiple weapons with the same name, what is the issue/workaround with that? (sorry I'm ignorant about that shit).
  3. Roadwarrior

    Weapon Swap Macro Help

    Anybody have one that is good? for up to 4 or 5 weapons? Fury/Ret or whatever else.
  4. Roadwarrior

    Best twink class

    Depends on if you are playing organized play or smashing PUGs, in all honesty. Too many people give the wrong advice based on what they are used to playing... just keep that in mind. Fury/Survival/Arcane/Rogue/Balance/Resto are all just broken good in pugs.. my 5 year old daughter can play that...
  5. Roadwarrior

    EU+US Any tips for a new streamer?

    Asmon is putting on a show tho specifically catered to what he knows works... if it started to fail you would see a totally different show from him.
  6. Roadwarrior

    Gearing for Ret?

    Side note: what is a good weapon swap macro? I tried set swapping, but sometimes it just does not work or errors out.
  7. Roadwarrior

    Gearing for Ret?

    That makes Haste a lot less impressive compared to just going Weapon Swap Strength/Versatility beats :(
  8. Roadwarrior

    Gearing for Ret?

    I don't know about that. I won't argue that Ret/Warlock/Elemental Shaman/Feral are at the bottom of the shit pile. I just don't like Warlock, it takes three times the skill as other classes for half the damage at the 29s. Even if you are full Affliction you are just pressing more buttons to do...
  9. Roadwarrior

    Gearing for Ret?

    What are you thinking about for Haste as a %, 10%, 15%?... the gear choices for haste/vers are a bit rough and I don't want to gimp Strength/Versatility by taking too much Haste at their expense?
  10. Roadwarrior

    Gearing for Ret?

    Tired of playing ezmode classes, want to give Ret a try: Anybody have a link to a geared Ret? Strength > Vers > Effective Health > Crit > Haste? - Haste seems to give almost zero serious reductions to timers? Thoughts?
  11. Roadwarrior

    EU+US Any tips for a new streamer?

    Give me something to watch other than you sitting in a chair blank faced and unshaven (99% of all failing streams). You don't have to wear a clown costume, but you'd better be able to speak/be funny or say something occasionally that is going to make me/anybody watch. Tying it into a Youtube...
  12. Roadwarrior

    EU+US Uncommon (Green) Item Farm Results

    Weapons and Armor are dropping at different levels, (I mentioned this in another post sorry for redundancy).. I killed raptors in Arathi Highlands on my level 29 Warrior, got tons of level 24 Green Armor... did not matter the raptors level (27-30) all dropped level 24 green armor. But, all the...
  13. Roadwarrior

    Drop 1HW as hunter

    Does the talwar proc on ranged (regardless of what it says)?
  14. Roadwarrior

    EU+US lvl 20 ilvl 28 boes

    Gnomer really is nutzoid. I have 2 Vibroblades, both level i27.... one requires level 24, the other level 26... no other differences at all on the items... not on armor reduction buff, not on stats.
  15. Roadwarrior

    EU+US does anyone even play shaman anymore?

    They also get ganked much quicker by geared players that are not terrible. Please stop talking.
  16. Roadwarrior

    EU+US lvl 20 ilvl 28 boes

    What are you looking for exactly?
  17. Roadwarrior

    EU+US does anyone even play shaman anymore?

    I will stipulate that recently there has been way more people in greens/missing gear slots than ever before, so its not that difficult to get 100k and multiple kills. When we get back to less trash and more twinks those "rofl" numbers will go away, and it will be back to around 30-40k damage and...
  18. Roadwarrior

    EU+US Uncommon (Green) Item Farm Results

    I killed raptors/spiders in arathi highlands on a 29 warrior.. the mobs were 27-29 level... it did not matter for the below: Every piece of green armor that dropped was level 24.... every weapon that dropped was level 26.
  19. Roadwarrior

    Hunter versatility to agility conversion ratio

    You guys are looking for too much min/max crap. Versatility is a bonus that you can have when you don't sacrifice anything else. Even Full 30% versatility lets you live about 1 second longer in a real fight where you are targeted. Stop with the nonsense.
  20. Roadwarrior

    MW monk gear

    Cloak of Rot, I've seen a few up in various AHs