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  1. Roadwarrior

    Class to choose?

    Sure the kids love being at the top of the charts with boomkin,arcane, rogue, fury or hunter... but everybody that twinks knows knows deep down in their soul any random gimp can do that with those easy-mode classes and a little bit of gold. Be good with one that is not teir 1, even if its only...
  2. Roadwarrior

    Lv 20 Priest twinking..stam vs int(How important is Stam?)

    Stomping pugs or playing "wargames (or any actual team vs team whatever)... different setups. Stomping pugs just go max kill... int>spellpower>vers>haste>crit>effective health. Wargames what ever you have to do to live longer and keep healing... tho most of this comes from positioning, knowing...
  3. Roadwarrior

    Need help with balance druid! :-)

    How at this point isn't there some mega nerd around here with the exact numbers for the agility/int/strength ratios for versatility as far as damage is concerned... use your nerd power and enlighten us.
  4. Roadwarrior

    EU+US My Crit Holy Priest - Gear Check

    It's cool, but I think you are gonna find that just stacking intelligence beats all. I tried crit on my Mage etc, losing +15 int from the rings/neck... +16 int from trinkets... and the difference from not using spell power goggles extreme plus really makes you do ALOT less damage/or in your...
  5. Roadwarrior

    Ret paladin gearing

    I thought the 29s were bad, yes the 39s are much worse. the 29s even have more know it alls than the 19s do. Ques are shorter than the 29s here, only reason this is worth tolerating.
  6. Roadwarrior

    Ret paladin gearing

    Scepter is free... that is why most people have it. And also compared to what? I did not say you can't play with haste/verse I said its not as good as haste/crit as you will just do more and you will live just as long when targeted. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure versatility only applies...
  7. Roadwarrior

    Ret paladin gearing

    You should just go Haste/Crit. Versatility seems to be this misconception pile of shit in low level people that people just keep clinging to for no reason. 20% Haste and 20% crit.. you will do way more damage with Crit over time even tho its only 1.5x... especially more if you combine it with...
  8. Roadwarrior


    Kang the Decapitator 100% Procs in any BattleGround at 39 - I have seen the "Rend does 12 damage" in the combat log in a BG. Can anybody confirm that Destiny actually Procs and if so what is the proc rate?
  9. Roadwarrior

    8.1 new heirlooms

    Those don't look too good (or there are just better items you can get right now). Outside of the agility one, which also meh... unique equip +8 agility at the cost of using an arena trinket or a brewfest stamina mug... or even just critical strike... you would have a hard argument there to make...
  10. Roadwarrior


    Since I don't open another thead for no reason, How good is Ret in the 39s? In the 29s Id say Fury is just a bit better than Retribution if you know what you are doing, how goofy do weapons like Princess Scepter make Fury at 39s?... is that gap the same or is Fury just off in space somewhere on...
  11. Roadwarrior


    I'm referring to Destiny/epic weapons damage spread tho versus blue weapons, would you still use it? Most of the 39 bracket epics don't have stats, but higher damage... does that pay off?
  12. Roadwarrior


    Let me ask this as well.. would Destiny be worth using even if it did proc? with no stats would you ever use it say over the princess hammer?
  13. Roadwarrior


    Wow that is just terrible then.
  14. Roadwarrior


    Looking to make a 39 Ret, is Destiny worth using or is the proc rate just bad?
  15. Roadwarrior

    29 WW Monk guide

    Cool. I'll probably make one, I love running the non fotm classes, makes it more fun.
  16. Roadwarrior

    29 WW Monk guide

    What do you mean by "alot of damage"... i'm just saying if you are talking about 30k running around, cool... if you are talking about 100k a game, I'd love to see proof of that cause I'll roll one right now.
  17. Roadwarrior

    29 WW Monk guide

    Compared to what? It is still a class that can't engage in melee with any other melee class oustisde of enhancement shamans and actually live... why would you just just spam moon fire as balance and do 3x as much damage. :p Feral is just Straight up tier 3 (just not enough skills at the 29s)...
  18. Roadwarrior

    BiS 29 Outlaw Weapons [Need Help]

    I just think you are better off doing reliable damage as a Rogue since you are still a tier 1 class in the 29 bracket, regardless of a luck-sack proc. I have 2 vibroblades on my enhancement shaman because that is all that turd class is good for.... put as many blade procs on random targets as I...
  19. Roadwarrior

    BiS 29 Outlaw Weapons [Need Help]

    Darkwater Talwar x2 is really hard to argue against. Hill Borne Axe x2 is also good ... probably the best if you solo que and just want to burn down 1 person at a time. VibroBlade is ONLY recommended if you are playing with a team that will focus targets that have the debuf (aka not solo queing...
  20. Roadwarrior

    29 WW Monk guide

    Sure, still the difference between a wet fart and a dry fart... they both still stink.