Sure the kids love being at the top of the charts with boomkin,arcane, rogue, fury or hunter... but everybody that twinks knows knows deep down in their soul any random gimp can do that with those easy-mode classes and a little bit of gold.
"My BFF Billy is awesome good with Fury!"... ***k Billy.
Be good with one that is not teir 1, even if its only for self respect purposes. The bracket has enough shitty players using overpowered classes. Please don't just keep pooping into a toilet that has a broken flusher.
Every time you see an Arcane or Boomkin at the top of the charts you just know its some shitty kid feeling all smug thinking it was skill even tho the class carried him... **** that clown.
When I see a WW Monk, or a Ret, or a Feral kick ass... it's inspiring to see, because it means that bracket has not just been overrun by trash kids who play fotm.