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  1. F2P Mage - Arcane or Frost?

    Fire. 3 people have said it now. Nike man just do it
  2. Alliance, how do you have fun.

    I play my ally toons when I wanna play with my friends on ally side! But premades are all about horde side most of the time. BGs fuckin suck anyway idk why y'all do em anymore it's a waste of time and patience. Come play in a world (of warcraft) where there are absolutely no hunters or 24s!!
  3. Ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    I used it for a while and the gm told me that he had issued me a formal warning and that they would take action if I used the word "stuck" out of proper context next time, idk happened to me keep doing it if it hasn't happened to you haha
  4. Ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    Yeah using the word stuck gets the gm to respond quickly, don't do it all the time or you get in trouble haha :P
  5. I got a question

    I don't think p2ps should like go full chants a level 20... Because Mean for all intensive purposes, it makes no sense. If you're gonna do that nobody will arena with you, and if nobody will arena with you, might as well go 24. Although I do see the justification for wearing boa helm, especially...
  6. Looking for an inactive F2P acc

    Damn man i thought i was lazy hahaha
  7. My Sincere APOLOGY to Kiraush

    Because that is the face value as I take it to be honest.
  8. Battle ground fears

    \ Miss you! I'll settle this shit for everyone. Omg its 3+ hunters *turn's the other direction* or *shadowmelds* or *stealths* or in the worst case */afk* Some people are bothered by paladins, but really the only thing that forces me to turn around in WSG is a hunter.
  9. My Sincere APOLOGY to Kiraush

    Or because he wants sympathy from the rest of the community so they can give him a nice pat on the back, but guess what he's a hunter. O.o
  10. Magician's Mantle

    Or since you got MM you can give chest farming a rest for a little and let everyone else give it a shot? Sounds good to me
  11. Races, classes & lore.

    Night Elves were also typically mages with the highborne and such, but with the well of eternity and all it was like forbidden... Then with the cataclysm the night elves unbanished the highborne because of the fact that they ultimately needed all the help they could get for the coming events...
  12. F2P news: Trial extended beyond the level 20 limit? (

    I like where f2p is at right now, cheap fast toons. And you think this bracket is bursty? Go on up to 40 and you will see... Soo imo, let trials group with other trials, let them send mail to each other, and yeah that's about it. Oh btw hello double mongoose rogues in a 40-44 bracket... GG!
  13. Incoming Noble Gardener world event

    Must has mounts.
  14. Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Damn essay!!!!! I must have just missed this shit!! Im so damn jealous! /cry
  15. Gem Exploiting Morons

    Keep doing it man sooner or later they are just gonna wonder how they can get you to leave em alone!
  16. Unholy DK?

    I actually noticed that unholy has somewhat of a ramp up time, but I like the amount of CC that they have.. And I have always been one to play an under-rated class and take it to extremes.. Thanks for that response though, the idea of a glaive frost DK sounds pretty sweet too haha
  17. Unholy DK?

    Ok umm if that's the only problem then I'm not worried because I don't have issues killing things usually
  18. Unholy DK?

    Are Unholy DKs worth much in arena?? I mean as long as I don't get globalled by a rogue when I have been trying them out it seems to be a nice spec for arenas..
  19. Resto Druid's LF 2vs2 partner

    I'm not quite yet BiS, but I'm close, need my SWP gear still and I have 450 eng waiting for someone to help out w/ that exploit. Unholy DK Bíshop @ Quel'dorei - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
  20. Best weapon for a 2h enhance?

    Top end is low, as well as DPS