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  1. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Haha in case you didn't know Imirak nobody liked Kahr for a long time. Soo that means people might not like you :( Seriously though you are the biggest clown in this thread right now haha I can't believe you preach about -not- being that bloodthirsty noob hunter when you really queue with 24s...
  2. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    In my opinion this practically invalidates anything you have to say about queueing bgs to stomp noobs. Sorry Jk not really
  3. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Wait a second, correct me if I'm wrong because I very well could be(shit I can't even spell) but doesn't this guy Imirak queue with 24's?
  4. One step closer to Team Burgy

    Love it. Hahahahaha
  5. Highest skill floor on classes @ F2P

    If we are talking about vs hunters it woul have to be mages and warriors... Overall? Everything has a counter to the poor condition warrior is in right now. So I'm going to go with warriors
  6. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Idk man that's a good question, I suggest you grab em both and see what you like! It will only take an extra day or so ;D haha
  7. The Gurubashi Help-line: 1-800-TRI-NKME

    I read your post, but if you claim to already be doing what you said you are going to do you are wrong. You summoned two 85s for no good reason the other day. Especially since you had help there was no reason to bring trouble. granted they were two baddies. But I don't think you should summon...
  8. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Hahahaha man. Whether you agree with Cotus or not this analogy is pretty funny
  9. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Why Rhae?
  10. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Haha thanks... :P
  11. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Meh, oh well haha I was out in the sun on my phone and u and I are right next to each other :(
  12. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    Damn that's infortuntate.
  13. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Ok so Eu is looking to be steampike and US so far is looking like shatterbone
  14. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    I'm pretty sure it doesnt matter all we gotta do is hit 20 then we can go from there
  15. F2P Transmog Sets

    Keep Lfh on mindy it looks good on your shaman
  16. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    It was like pretty quick but then an hour of patching, over all it was less than 2 hours, even less than 1.5 depending on your DL speed
  17. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    It's ok Mialo we know you're worried you won't be good at rift because you have spent so much time with WoW, most of us feel the same but I'm here to assure you that it will be ok hahaha :P Dead I think we are rolling defiant? Idk that is if you even like us :/
  18. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Alright so idk about you guys but im on the shard Shatterbone, once we all get established we can pick a place to xfer to and then have fun!
  19. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    I never said playing in this bracket was hard did I? I think your definition of skill cap is poor and it's what is making you sound silly...