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  1. WoTLK Lore

    What books to buy to read the lore? Always wanted to read it :P
  2. Weather Beaten Fishing hat?

    This. Main thing that concerns me; should it have a level req or not? We ALL could spend time getting this, for Blizzard to turn around and nerf it. If were aloud this item, then why can't we have fishing boots? The iLvl is alot lower. I think this is another reason why everyone is whining...
  3. Weather Beaten Fishing hat?

    Needs to be fixed imo. That's even lame trying to obtain that item. Fucking fagg0t huntard.
  4. Rogue's OP in cataclysm

    You fucking with us, right? Ofc there gonna be good. There hunters ffs!
  5. '19's in AB?

    I like the idea, but if it was implemented by Guilds, people would then roll 29s to destroy the brackets. But I'd like to see this happen fun idea! :)
  6. Just caught the boat.. :p

    Haha. Not seen this before. Cool :)
  7. LOL at EU 19

    I've not really quit. I just had bad moment I think. I think all the hunters pwning me built up and I nerd raged! :D I know. But, AGM. I'm lazy - my own fault there (working on it atm) and LFH, well, I can't fish that often due to work, in the last 3 fishing contests I've done I've obtained 3...
  8. Arena master

    You could've tried sending a ticket from yourself & get the person who looted it to send a GM ticket aswell? More chance the GM would agree? Worth a try.
  9. Titles

    Whose got that on a 19? :D
  10. LOL at EU 19

    Kerf is very good imo :) I never said you did? I'm just whining about the one's who do :D Edit: It may seem like I'm generalising that all hunters fail, I'm not. I'm just whining at the one's who farm gy, midfield and just play lamely :\ Maybe I should defend in trying to be an offensive...
  11. LOL at EU 19

    I've not seen you being lame though. This is my point to this thread. But I don't think anyone understands :( k? :S?
  12. LOL at EU 19

    So in the last 2-3 weeks, it's just my luck every BG I play it's always lots of hunters? Or am I just being really over dramatic? :D
  13. LOL at EU 19

    O'rly? Do you sleep in WSG? Cos' what I said is true. Stop trying to be the cool mod. It's not working. Alliance are actually getting worse each day. Alliance stack Dranei Hunters more & more isn't a valid answer? :S Right. There we go. Nuff' said eh, Shazz?
  14. LOL at EU 19

    Check your PM.
  15. LOL at EU 19

    I try and get to enemy base but always get bummed by 2+ hunters everytime, so allow.
  16. LOL at EU 19

    This is actually so pathetic I cba to post a whine thread. Alliance just stacking 50% of their team with hunters. Really fun. Well, gg. imo this bracket will be dead in a few months. ciao, i'm out...fuck this game.
  17. Level 60 guild PVP SERVER

    Rorre, found any decent battlegroups/realms yet? :D
  18. Blizzard needs to fix this bullshit

    Hmm. That sucks then! Just run a huge length of cat5 cabling :)
  19. Blizzard needs to fix this bullshit

    No offense..but why game with a wireless connection? :S Run an eternet cable :) Edit: And before you reply "cos' I can't run a ethernet cable from A to B" search google or local electronical stores for a over the mains ethernet. Basically uses your mains electrical circuit in your home as...
  20. Mages. Help please.

    Frostiemittens? :O