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  1. Klinda

    Todays Hot Fixes

    I think that priest buff is totally unnecessary, but then again, I could be bias :) Well then, I guess it's time for us priests to start maximizing haste/spirit.
  2. Klinda

    Had a Wonderful Day? Share it here.

    Wow nice, what area do you teach in?
  3. Klinda

    Had a Wonderful Day? Share it here.

    Do you teach at the grade school level or the college/university level? I pray that it's nothing major, How long have you had the pain and/or discomfort?
  4. Klinda

    6,1 PTR Observations for F2P: Post Here

    Grats on Mod Kincaide, was always wondering when that would happen. But my guess is that it will be similar to the toy tab, if one char has it, then all other characters have it also. One can only Hope :)
  5. Klinda

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    One of my favorite wow streamers, Reckful, was banned a couple of days ago. Reckful is one of the most talented players in the world and he's been to multiple blizzcons. I just really hope they unban him, wow won't be the same without him.
  6. Klinda

    Free name change

    I can confirm that the method does work, made the change this evening on my priest out of curiosity. All I did was delete my f2p priest, then used my p2p account to make a DK with the same name, logged back in to my f2p and restored priest, told me when logging in i would have to change my...
  7. Klinda

    Rogue PVP

    That was a very awesome video, definitely would love to see more :)
  8. Klinda

    Weekly Breakdown 1 [Arms Warriors] with Sir Bendicus the Fluffy

    I would assume that as a warrior either arms or fury, your daily BiS set for damage would be the most important for you. I don't think Stamina matters much for a warrior in that case, so would it be safe to say that your maximum damage set would be most important?
  9. Klinda

    Arena Thread

    Re: US Arena Thread Que'ing 2s, maybe 3s later. Disc priest
  10. Klinda

    Eye of the Storm - Like or Dislike?

    I like Eots, I think it's a nice combo of ab and wsg. As already mentioned, it can get a bit frustrating when your team doesn't really know how to win, or maybe they do but they are too busy fighting in mid to do anything else. It's a great BG imho and it brings something different to the...
  11. Klinda

    Q times are bs

    Yeah, I think everyone is fed up with these ridiculous Que times. Personally, I think blacklisting AV and SS vs TM is the best way to get better times. From my understanding, even though skirmishes don't take too long, they can still interfere with your bg Que times. So if you're looking for...
  12. Klinda

    How's Everyone Liking WoD?

    Holy Paladins are not that great at all, we have to spam cast and it's just awful. On the other hand, priests are very good, bubble crits and just high burst heals. Spectral Guise is amazing at this level, and it's absolutely fantastic. Also Que times are bad.
  13. Klinda

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    Servers randomly shut down without warning around 10:40, was in a 30 min que for a bg but looks like I'm gonna call it a night. On the other hand, I recently got my hands on The Evil Within for Ps3 and so far it's alright, doesn't quite strike a cord for me Like The Last of Us, but we shall see...
  14. Klinda

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    And also... NaruHina is Canon!!! Also the last movie coming out is canon to the manga also. And there will be a part 3, but it's a mini series most likely about their children.
  15. Klinda

    [MOP] Arcade's F2P Priest Guide!

    Re: Arcade's F2P Priest Guide! I'm thinking of making an updated priest guide for WoD myself, do you mind if I use some of your info for the updated guide arcade?
  16. Klinda

    The Future Potential of F2P In-game Comms

    That sounds really nice on paper, but do you think that will be overall beneficial for the f2p community? As someone already stated, realms that are not AP are very small. even with the pre-expansion already out. I'm not saying it couldn't work, but I think that this idea would be better suited...
  17. Klinda

    A Brief Dialogue for Your Entertainment and Amusement

    I'm glad that you got your items back, I'm glad the GM had compassion for your situation, even if it came off a little trollish.
  18. Klinda

    Queues longer since 6.0.2?

    I just want my short Q times back... I feel like I'm a yucky alliance toon now :(
  19. Klinda

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com This recruitment thread has been noticeably silent for about a month... Come to BWL!!! We have A LOT of people rolling monks which should make for some exciting monk premades. With WoD being released less...
  20. Klinda

    Post your 6.0.2 info here!

    Yeah, I was definitely getting one shot by the first boss in sfk a few minutes ago, was wondering if anyone else had this problem. Hopefully the restart that just occurred will fix that.