Free name change

Just so people know there is a risk of this not working. I did this 20 days ago, Deleted my rogue, made a dk with the same name on a different wow account, restored the rogue. The restore did not go through and the button went on cooldown(which is 30days). Dont know if I did something wrong but just to let you know there is a risk involved.
Well, i have been doing this for a while, here is the thing, delete your character, use another account, create another character, do 1 quest and while you are online on your new char, restore your old and change his/her name. GG!

No cause then it's harder for people to find me!:p
Yeah sadly but it's okay. I'm still QT
Don't worry we'll find the guy with the name and end his li-err I mean politely ask if he can let you have the name *chuckles nervously*
Don't worry we'll find the guy with the name and end his li-err I mean politely ask if he can let you have the name *chuckles nervously*

It's okay I hardly ever play f2p anymore. I'm always on my p2p anyway. I'll start to play again when people actually want to do events and commit to it instead of telling people that they will and either leave halfway into organizing or never show up. Sorry I just miss the wpvp days.
Tried this a few times, all I get is "Name unavailable."
No ones taken it if it's just me deleting my character, then making a new one on the same server on a different account with it's name. It then states "Name unavailable". However, if I go to make a new toon on the same account as the deleted toon, with the toons name, I can make it. But of course, not restore the deleted.
No ones taken it if it's just me deleting my character, then making a new one on the same server on a different account with it's name. It then states "Name unavailable". However, if I go to make a new toon on the same account as the deleted toon, with the toons name, I can make it. But of course, not restore the deleted.

Oh... well, looks like blizzard found a way to fix it haha !
This is a genius idea, thanks OP! Been sat on various names for years without wanting to pay $$$ to change. Now I can do all 11 across 2015!
I can confirm that the method does work, made the change this evening on my priest out of curiosity.

All I did was delete my f2p priest, then used my p2p account to make a DK with the same name, logged back in to my f2p and restored priest, told me when logging in i would have to change my name since it was taken and that was it. My priest was unchanged with gear and everything else, only thing that was different was the name.
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