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  1. R Prime

    Questions & Answers

    I like to start with mining/engi for a quick hat slot filler and bombs then go from there. Do ench sometime after LW and JC.
  2. R Prime

    Korgath Arena Tournament Rule discussion and drama archive

    Re: Arena Tournament Wait - one week to gear? And "only" two BoAs per toon? Sounds like this strongly favors p2p20 or people who have an enormous amount of free time lol.
  3. R Prime

    Wot not to Wear : A F2P Make-over

    LF cloth boot mog for this set... The current boots kinda goes with LFH but I think I can do better.
  4. R Prime

    New MVP Promotions

    All well deserved. Gratz!
  5. R Prime

    Arena Tournament

    Looks like fun! Weird rules but I am down if I have the time. :cool:
  6. R Prime

    Korgath Arena Tournament Rule discussion and drama archive

    Re: Arena Tournament Looks like fun! Weird rules but I am down if I have the time. :cool:
  7. R Prime

    Making Free Signatures :D

    Yes I am next! Very excited.
  8. R Prime

    Wot not to Wear : A F2P Make-over

    Dear What-naüt-to-where? staff, MY nam iz JUggernaüt and uhhh... I wnt 2 luk handsum to attrax sum femcowfriends to ummm.. be fwiendly wiff. Butt I dontnt no wha to where and ahhh they dem laff at me. My fiend Leaky saz I am udderley hope-lez. And shez the prettiest goblin I dun seen everrr...
  9. R Prime

    Hey, what's your favorite race?

    Re: Hey whats your favorite racee Digging the goblin jump these days.
  10. R Prime

    AP Ally

    No one's called you bad until recently? Damn son you're not doing it right then! Water /////////ducks back. Reach down and squeeze them to make sure you still have a pair mate! Plenty of bigger put offs in life than video game worries. :o
  11. R Prime

    Are Shammys really that bad?

    Ele sham in this bracket is alot of fun - crazy utility without being OP. If you are playing it right you will be very engaged. IMO the most well balanced spec right now in the bracket.
  12. R Prime

    AP Ally

    Don't let it bother you. Put on your big boy pants and create your own groups. You may even become the next AP Legend. Don't get mired by focusing on the negative. Piss excellence. Even if some of it happens to splatter on your naysayer's faces... xoxo+. PS - Maybe you are annoying or bad. Be...
  13. R Prime

    [Feedback] WPvP Zul'Gurub Event

    Love that area Kochist!! My suggestion: Single life series with and no hunters/ele shams and quick resets after each match. And it doesn't have to be done to the last person (maybe 10% of starting # of players). And a time limit on the match and no stealthing at a certain point to eliminate...
  14. R Prime

    What happened to this bracket??

    Agreed. However I enjoyed my brief stay in 39s. I think they still play on Wed/Fri night - not sure. Just enjoy f2p for what it is and take a break as needed. No fuss no muss no coconuts. And - it is what you make it. Step up and organize world PVP events like Rhae and Kochi!
  15. R Prime

    Korgath US Arena Server

    Made a retpal for sheetz and giggles. You guys still active? Mialo - I think you are doing it wrong - isn't this Alliance only? Or did I miss the boat?
  16. R Prime

    Cross Realm WPvP Saturday 12 PM : Zul'Gurub Event

    I am excited for this! I cannot make this Sat but look forward to future events.
  17. R Prime

    Drayner - 20 P2P Lock w/ F2P restrictions

    And gratz on bloodthirsty sucka!
  18. R Prime

    Drayner - 20 P2P Lock w/ F2P restrictions

    Hit rating for spells @ 20 is 15 (pre BG scaling).
  19. R Prime

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Honestly if you go above 100 alch it's not a big deal if you don't learn any new formulas/recipes. My old p2p 20 has 101 mining. It happens... and if someone is going to bitch about that they need a smackin' from Sean Connery.
  20. R Prime

    IRL Photos. (Part 3)

    Sorry. You need to phrase that in the form of a question. -500 TI points.