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  1. Discussion on Best Rogue Weapon Enchants

    Dancing Steel proc is 62 agility 1-60.
  2. Any level 10 achievementwhores out still out there?

    Just because my join date is relatively new doesn't mean I'm new to twinking or do not understand the fun in grinding achievements on a low level. I'm just merely saying (and this is my opinion) that getting achievements on lower levels isn't as fun as it once was, mainly due to account wide.
  3. Any level 10 achievementwhores out still out there?

    Account wide achievements took the fun out of grinding for achievements on your twinks.
  4. Are 15/16 twinks any good?

    What about shamans? Are they worth being level 15 even though you lack purge or only worth playing at 19?
  5. Are 15/16 twinks any good?

    I haven't been keeping up with this bracket for a long time, and I'm wondering if level 15/16 are any good because I've been seeing a few here and there. Does the gear scaling for a level 15/16 make them a better choice for certain classes than being level 19? Or should one just be level 19...
  6. 10 Rogue Twink [VID]

    He wouldn't be able to get enough expertise/hit without sacrificing too many other important stats. Not to mention rogues kind of have to rely on ambush hitting for most of the opponents health, poor mobility so they are screwed if they can't nearly one hit their opponent.
  7. Lets get Alliance 10s active!

    From what I've seen balance druids can hit harder than shamans, only by like 200 or so though. And yes shamans healing is better, honestly play the class you have the most fun playing.
  8. Dead forum

    The bracket doesn't seem too far behind. 19s aren't gaining new players, the life of the bracket is relying on the older members.
  9. [NEW 30th Nov] [VID] 10 Shaman - World PvP

    Re: [VID] 10 Shaman - World PvP Damn that's a lot. Looks like when I return I'll actually have to play my main more for 2200.
  10. [NEW 30th Nov] [VID] 10 Shaman - World PvP

    Re: [VID] 10 Shaman - World PvP Loved the video, keep putting out more. How huge of an impact does tyranny have? Haven't been playing much recently due to school so not up to date on everything.
  11. Say whats up to Johneffer

    Oh the days when Stormrage had 19 activity, between Sorry You Died, Endless Faces, etc. That was a good era in twinking.
  12. 10-14 warrior What level is best

    Best bet is level 10, far better stat scaling and there is more fun to be had in wpvp and pve as a level ten due to the insane scaling.
  13. New MVP Promotions

  14. Uh oh... :)

    I have my doubts about this being the so called 'golden patch'. Honestly I think this will break the bracket further, I believe the upcoming changes will make low level brackets into more of a one shot bracket and it will fall to ruins kinda like 80-84. Hopefully it doesn't but I don't see...
  15. Character Restoring

    I went through a similar situation where I deleted a grandfathered 19 in the beginning of WotLK with private title and tried to get it restored sometime during cataclysm, blizzard staff said they couldn't do it because the character info was no longer in their database. I wish you the best of...
  16. Current state of the 19s bracket?

    I just got back from my 2 1/2 month break from WoW, I'm curious to the state of the 19s bracket since I'll probably return. Any significant changes since I've been gone? Thanks for any info/updates that I may need to know.
  17. Few questions I'd like answered

    Thanks for answering, I would still like to know if exploiting out a worgen is a bannable offense or a waste of time cuz they'd make me race change or something. Are rogues damage still good these days? I had an rogue back in the day and they were a lot of fun.
  18. Few questions I'd like answered

    I'm curious about a few things as I was planning on making a level 1 twink/bank alt. I was wondering if it's still possible to get a worgen out as a level one and if so what is the current method and is it a bannable offense to do so? I'm also curious as to the state of level 1 huntards and...
  19. WTS Shadowfang Executus-Horde

    How much cash or gold would you be looking for?
  20. any 2/2 sun-lutes?

    Out of curiosity do you do any PvP? I'm sure other people besides me would be interested in seeing the amount of damage you can do with it in PvP, maybe a short youtube video or video? Just an idea.