Criminally Insane
As the title states. Many dead armory links and all, I wonder if there are still 10 twinks out there grinding achievements? The level 10 achievement hall of fame appears to be long gone.
I'll take a look at join date etc and assume you don't get the idea of getting achievements on a low level twink.Account wide achievements took the fun out of grinding for achievements on your twinks.
There we go, I'm sure we're not the only people who feel that way?
I farm some achieves but not like people used to long time ago i just got 760 or smth atm but its good for me though would like to get some achieves with anyone , if ur interested on the eu add me epimethis#2795
I'll take a look at join date etc and assume you don't get the idea of getting achievements on a low level twink.
Regardless, I'd say with personal tracking of achievements on armory, e-peening isn't much of a problem.
Figuring things out, trying them for yourself, doing something you aren't supposed to do at your level.
Big part of twinking if you'd ask me. I do grind achievements on my level 10. A monk, so created after achievements became account-wide.
Took out the fun, you say? As long as there's personal tracking via armory it can be a display of what you've done on your twink.
In game with a quick glance? Not as much as has been, even though I do get the occasional impressed whisper.
Those who really appreciate low level achieving can see all your accomplishments on your armory.
Within communities, nothing has changed. Or nothing should have changed. I'm not giving up because of some in-game changes.
I expected more from you folks than one reply saying achievement grinding isn't fun anymore.
How about we get this thing going again?
I did state it was a mere assumption, I cannot know how long you've been playing as a twink and how active you have been in that time.Just because my join date is relatively new doesn't mean I'm new to twinking or do not understand the fun in grinding achievements on a low level. I'm just merely saying (and this is my opinion) that getting achievements on lower levels isn't as fun as it once was, mainly due to account wide.
I just started playing again and yeah farming achieves again. Only casually playing but will finish off the ones i want badly! Would it work if we started a new account on our battlenet and transferred the twink to it? So armoury only showed your twinks achieves??