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  1. Warforge Averages

    This game is such a tease. 1x 44ilvl item for my 29 in a whole day farming events, then today I get 2x 44 ilvl items one after another. This is lit
  2. Share your UI!

  3. EU+US People telling me to go afflict LUL

    been repping destro since last xpac. There has been a 100000000000000% increase on warlocks in the past few weeks. Fkin rerolling scrubs
  4. EU+US Best 20 class? Best 29 class?

    best 20: harambe best 29: was an inside job
  5. Warforge Averages

  6. Warforge Averages

    EU here. Got a WF item with no bonus ilvl about 5mins ago :(
  7. Warforge Averages

    woohooo got my first 44ilvl on my 29. That would be 1 good, and 8 bad :(
  8. EU+US Good news for 70+?

    YOu have 2 new friend requests :]
  9. EU+US Good news for 70+?

    I'm gonna go ahead and place my guess that you fapped off to this information before posting ;=)
  10. Someone should try...

    I tried it. It didn't work.
  11. Warforged Invasion Gear

    who i gotta suck to get my 5 warforged items with no bonus ilvl that +10 hm
  12. Warforged Invasion Gear

    gl homie :*)
  13. Warforged Invasion Gear

    i am so kms. 4 warforged, no bonus ilvl. why gawd
  14. Warforged Invasion Gear

    I've got 12 chests, 1 warforged item... no bonus ilvl. I'll just kms
  15. EU First?

    omg i'd suck any dick 4 dat
  16. Warforged Invasion Gear

  17. EU+US Demon Hunter ARATHI BASIN Jump compilation [Video]

    I came for the jump compilation, I stayed for the gliding compilation
  18. EU+US Current state of the classes at 29?

    Mine crits about 1.8k, so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Also, that is absolutely nothing in comparison to other class/specs - have you seen ret, rogue, monk etc etc damage? Haunt on a 12 second cd too..
  19. EU+US Current state of the classes at 29?

    basically afflic is considered OP because they do no big damage outside of haunt, so for 12 seconds you're forced to spam drain life until haunt is off cd. Destro can be okay, but if you spam drain life you oom in about 10 seconds and do 0 damage - therefore they die pretty quickly. Demo is...
  20. EU 19 Mages are too OP!!!

    why did i watch all of that?