EU+US Current state of the classes at 29?

Well I decided I want to make a new 29,
came back to WoW and I miss my old twinks so I'm gonna make a new one.

I'm not looking for the most OP, was just curious what the class overview is like right now?

Kinda leaning towards something like an Affliction Warlock I think.
Affli lock is very strong atm, only issue i can think of is going oom like alot of other classes currently. Just carry around some mana potions / drink and youll have a very strong class :)
yeah, warlocks are pretty great, and drain life(available in any spec now) gives us quite high survivability :) Affliction is extremely strong, destro is great in settings like AV in which, if you're careful with your shadowburns, you'll rarely have to hardcast, going from shadowburn kill to shadowburn kill and never running out of shards- demo's my personal favorite, although it's a spec that gets considerably more powerful the higher level you are; I've been enjoying max level pvp for the first time since TBC, between no longer needing to waste time gearing and my favorite class being more than competitive :)
basically afflic is considered OP because they do no big damage outside of haunt, so for 12 seconds you're forced to spam drain life until haunt is off cd.

Destro can be okay, but if you spam drain life you oom in about 10 seconds and do 0 damage - therefore they die pretty quickly.

Demo is absolute wank at 29.
basically afflic is considered OP because they do no big damage outside of haunt, so for 12 seconds you're forced to spam drain life until haunt is off cd.

Destro can be okay, but if you spam drain life you oom in about 10 seconds and do 0 damage - therefore they die pretty quickly.

Demo is absolute wank at 29.
haunt crits like 2.5k tho
haunt crits like 2.5k tho

Mine crits about 1.8k, so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Also, that is absolutely nothing in comparison to other class/specs - have you seen ret, rogue, monk etc etc damage? Haunt on a 12 second cd too..
Mine crits about 1.8k, so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Also, that is absolutely nothing in comparison to other class/specs - have you seen ret, rogue, monk etc etc damage? Haunt on a 12 second cd too..
They don't have a spammable CC tho. Not as spammable as it used to be, but still spammable.

And yea melees do some pretty bullshit damage. It's always been like that.
Im gonna assume you're talking about bgs specifically.

I played a bunch of bgs yesterday and this is what i noticed :

Top casters (in no order) : Warlocks, SPriests, Druids
Top Melee : Rets, Warrior, Monks
So what about the other classes? Warlock sounds fun, but I'm just curious. :)
What class specifically do you wanna hear about? everything seems viable with the ilvl changes.

Ele Shaman, Enh Shaman, Fire Mage, Frost Mage
and maybe Survival hunter with the melee change?

And just because I'm curious, what's Holy Priest up to since they've like never been decent lol.
survival hunter is pretty good damage in arena but is kinda weak in bgs due to large crowds. however i have found that beast master does real well in bgs. mm kinda gimp though
basically afflic is considered OP because they do no big damage outside of haunt, so for 12 seconds you're forced to spam drain life until haunt is off cd.

Destro can be okay, but if you spam drain life you oom in about 10 seconds and do 0 damage - therefore they die pretty quickly.

Demo is absolute wank at 29.

uhh.. secrets of the necrolyte? Drain life deals pretty dank damage if you're affliction. I mean, if you're a fotm warrior I'm sure it won't seem like much, and yes, your biggest SINGULAR number(emphasized non-plural) comes from haunt, but you are not losing out on damage in between your haunt casts.

I'm not a fan of destro because essentially all you're casting is shadowburn and conflag. If you're doing it right, you never run out of shards, but it gets pretty mind numbing. I think the sound of constant shadowburns is what gets to me. Nonetheless, I was thrilled that Blizzard deigned to give drain life to destro to begin with, so I'm not one to complain about extra survivability. Obviously if you've got a surv or a rogue on your ass it's not going to matter.

Demo's pretty fun, but about 50-60% of your non-pet damage comes from doom, and it isn't always possible to line up burst with doom procs, so meh ^^

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