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  1. Irrational

    Invasion Box Openings

  2. Irrational

    EU+US Legion Invasion F2P Master Guide

    man, this is the first time ive had to worry aboot repairs
  3. Irrational

    Post a cool person on TI u respect

    I respect this guy named solidz. he does not log onto bwl much anymore, but had a nice personal conversation about life and pasta this one time.
  4. Irrational

    I am rather glad that Twinkinfo made the merg over to this site...

    Because every time I entered, I always had to remind myself that I was not seeking information on how to become a young attractive homosexual male involved in the pornography industry
  5. Irrational

    US Pride

  6. Irrational

    EU+US The return of f2ps?!

    I had waffles for dinner tonight.
  7. Irrational

    EU+US Is Hearthsteed mount available now for trials?

    Can confirm that you can get wizard poker horse as pure F2P. They gift wrap it with a pretty little bow too in collection section
  8. Irrational

    EU+US holy moly leg

    can you use them for mog on different toons?
  9. Irrational

    US OG 20's Q up, one last time...

    aw shoot, i didnt see this until now D: I would have definitely hopped on, I will tomorrow for sure though
  10. Irrational

    EU+US Legion Invasion Event

    whelp, time to get back wow for a lil bit. just a little...
  11. Irrational

    A NEW World Order!!

    I love your hearthstone videos, trump. I watch them everyday. Keep up the good work!
  12. Irrational

    US Queue AV

    on alliance too, grats mate :)
  13. Irrational


    If God is real then how can you explain the Jurassic Park documentary?
  14. Irrational


  15. Irrational

    EU+US f2ps no longer allowed in panda land?

    logged in on a few different characters that had hearthstone set at shrine and found that using hearthstone did nothing. anyone else having this problem?
  16. Irrational

    US WoD WPvP EVENT #2!!!

    I just realized this is in the vet section and none of my toons have chants. doth this complicate things?
  17. Irrational

    EU+US My Everyday Attack Power

    It aint easy being green
  18. Irrational

    EU+US Post ur first f2p wow toon or ur first toon never got this toon a proper hat
  19. Irrational

    US WoD WPvP EVENT #2!!!

    add me mage. Arcane. much excite for event