The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

i have found it faster and easier to buy my way to a WOTLK lifeward enchant if needed. the kor kon orc, goblins, demolishers, tree cutter CATA mobs in the barrens are level 20/35 and if killed by a 20 the 35s drop no loot, the CATA added level 20s including those on the upper south plateau drop standard OG barrens drops. the loot rules for low levels was changed like 4 expacs ago and it's still that way.

lifeward is way easier and less complex than some you have listed. imo far from a niche enchant as most do WOTLK enchanting anyway due to ease of mats from vendor DEs

where are you soloing CATA mobs for greens to get lesser/greater celestial essences?
Ok, so going from "level of CATA ench required and the mats is rather impossible" to "how to get it" is definitely a step in the right direction. You can check the Profession Rotation part of the guide HERE, where each expansion mats were summarised. Not sure what the Cata TW drops are disenchanting to, but you should try those as well.

Regarding Lifeward, as you can see in the already mentioned Enchant Scaling Spreadsheet, Lifeward procs for 20 % less heal (and less often btw) than Mending. In the guide, I prefer to list a few of the best options and then leave everyone decide if they want to go the extra mile or pick something easier, even if not optimal.

i farmed this recipe many expacs ago and was not able to learn it, would click on it and nothing, so i got rid of it. i take it F2Ps can learn/use it now?

The recipe is easily farmable (the drop chance is waaaay higher than listed) and is usable by low-level characters, yes.
Not sure what the Cata TW drops are disenchanting to, but you should try those as well
They are providing proper mats (dungeon drops, not bags). I saw in some post here we can also de some vendor stuff, but i have no idea if it's true.
I saw in some post here we can also de some vendor stuff, but i have no idea if it's true.
Can buy gear to disenchant from the PvP vendors in SW but that only yields Maelstrom crystals and Heavenly shards. To level Cata enchanting you need lots of Hypnotic Dust and Greater Celesetial Essence that come from disenchanting green items.
  • craft items to D/E (tailoring and Jewelcrafting are good options)
  • farm world mobs (Highbank in Twilight Highlands is where I went). Have to be level 20 to get drops from level 30 mobs.
  • Get into a Cata TW dungeon. Log out after last boss, wait 30 mins. Log in and farm the trash for greenies. Log out and wait 30 mins., repeat. Can be done by lv10+
Can buy gear to disenchant from the PvP vendors in SW
I checked ORG one, pvp vendor is not an option - he asks marks of honor in exchange. But justice/valor ones are selling blues/epix for gold.
And yes, de JS items was easy way to get shards/essences, esp when we had warband up.
there are CATA gear vendors (not the PVP ones) in SW and Org, the DEs yield higher mats

to do the profession rope a dope, to make greens, to get lower level DE mats for CATA enchanting, where are you farming those? your HERE link did not work and profession part of guide has nothing on CATA ench. yeah sure there is wowhead, but that does not cover players level 20 and lower long with blizzards loot restrictions. long ago i just went to barrens and got quick greens, also from the CATA mobs in the cave at DMF.

6 players having done CATA TW 5+ times each, not one has gotten enough green DE item to even do one mending enchant

as for 20% less heals, i am not seeing it from my same attacks using a monk mending ticks were higher but never crit'd, lifeward crit'd making up for the lower ticks.
there are CATA gear vendors (not the PVP ones) in SW and Org, the DEs yield higher mats

to do the profession rope a dope, to make greens, to get lower level DE mats for CATA enchanting, where are you farming those? your HERE link did not work and profession part of guide has nothing on CATA ench. yeah sure there is wowhead, but that does not cover players level 20 and lower long with blizzards loot restrictions. long ago i just went to barrens and got quick greens, also from the CATA mobs in the cave at DMF.

6 players having done CATA TW 5+ times each, not one has gotten enough green DE item to even do one mending enchant

as for 20% less heals, i am not seeing it from my same attacks using a monk mending ticks were higher but never crit'd, lifeward crit'd making up for the lower ticks.
Youre advocating for an enchant that heals like 3% of our healthpool at 20. No matter how easy that is, there are better options that are easy enough its not really an issue.
there are CATA gear vendors (not the PVP ones) in SW and Org, the DEs yield higher mats

to do the profession rope a dope, to make greens, to get lower level DE mats for CATA enchanting, where are you farming those? your HERE link did not work and profession part of guide has nothing on CATA ench. yeah sure there is wowhead, but that does not cover players level 20 and lower long with blizzards loot restrictions. long ago i just went to barrens and got quick greens, also from the CATA mobs in the cave at DMF.

6 players having done CATA TW 5+ times each, not one has gotten enough green DE item to even do one mending enchant

as for 20% less heals, i am not seeing it from my same attacks using a monk mending ticks were higher but never crit'd, lifeward crit'd making up for the lower ticks.
Look, I will try to help you again, but please before the next comment, try to do some research yourself, not to spam the thread too much, ok?

1. We click on the "Proffesion Rotation" link in the guide. This will redirect you the the original Proffesion Rotation with all the details, dating back even to the old guide:


2. Ctrl + F and search for "enchanting", you should see it right there:


3. Check the Cata Enchanting part, where you can get more info on where to get mats and what enchants are available to pick up


Mending is a really good, F2P available healing enchant, which as @Chops said is still not that useful @ lvl 20 and is there just for the guide to be complete. If Accord ring enchants are listed (that take 12+ hours to even reach the skill level), then I have no problem listing Mending, which requires 1 SKILL POINT and mats that are available from atleast 3 different and relatively easy to get sources. A fresh F2P can get Mending in 30 to 45 minutes, which is more than we have spend on the subject today.
i went to twilight highlands to kill various mobs along the beach. i was able to loot nagas, orcs, dragonkin, and flying dragons. all of them at random dropped cloth. never got a green. not enough to do anything in the 30 min i was there, do not believe a extra 15 minutes would matter, do not believe a fresh F2P would succeed there

my BM hunter has a ooze trink, gear is 84 thru 96 with enchants, MOP BOA bow in DF time. when ooze proc'd i dropped mob after mob, even several at once with ease. but due to the fast spawns, i could be easily surrounded and died several times. without a ooze proc i could kill one mob at a time, but at that point many times my pet would be dead and i had 50% or less HP.
i went to twilight highlands to kill various mobs along the beach. i was able to loot nagas, orcs, dragonkin, and flying dragons. all of them at random dropped cloth. never got a green. not enough to do anything in the 30 min i was there, do not believe a extra 15 minutes would matter, do not believe a fresh F2P would succeed there

my BM hunter has a ooze trink, gear is 84 thru 96 with enchants, MOP BOA bow in DF time. when ooze proc'd i dropped mob after mob, even several at once with ease. but due to the fast spawns, i could be easily surrounded and died several times. without a ooze proc i could kill one mob at a time, but at that point many times my pet would be dead and i had 50% or less HP.
Buy a good amount of [Jeweler's Setting] and start crafting green necks and rings from Cata JC. I got a really good amount of ores after a few hours of flying around twilight highlands. Then changed Mining for Enchanting and started the process of getting dusts and esscences

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